5.01.2 The Degenerate reigns supreme.

The world was moving on as usual, but my life after obtaining a great power had become stagnant. 

Just train and act as a friend, who is usually discriminated against by other critters in class who look down on me due to my race.

A new experience to say the least. Usually, it was the other way around in my city. Making me know what it's like to be on the other end of the stick and feel the pain and humiliation that comes with it.

Which was too simple when compared to the things I have experienced till now. And in a way, it was fun.

It was fun knowing how easily I could crush these insects who hadn't even entered the Apprentice stage of a Knight.

And being a small town, there were barely any students with bloodlines to begin with and those that did have it still studied mostly in their home. Making them truly nothing more than insects in my eyes.