5.01.4 A day in my life.

A foolish and direct man who blurts out whatever is in his head. Can it be hurtful to some? Absolutely. 

He was a foolish young man who didn't think how his words might affect others or how his actions might be seen in the eyes of others due to his lack of social perception. 

All of this makes him a foolish boy who is easy to get along with if you get used to his words because in truth, he didn't wish to be hurtful, nor would a person like this hold out on any secrets or have any ulterior motives behind his actions.

A safe guy to make friends with if you wish, as in most cases, due to his lacking nature, he probably won't find anything odd if a friend were to do anything suspicious around him. It's probably why Rashid became friends with him and usually stays alongside this guy.

Rashid really must consider him harmless, it's why among all the friends he had made, Rashid stays with Henry the most.