5.06.2 I have a request.

An Archmage and the Headmaster of Lucien's adobe, a prestigious Occultic mage academy, A man capable of calling wind and rain if he wished to, and even the Legendary Duke of Wortham Principality held deep respect for when Kairut was at the peak of his life. 

But that peak was too far gone, with age, he went senile and chose to make a contract with me, bringing himself to ruin.

Or was it?

"Did you like my gift?" I asked the old professor, who gave my body a deep look and then sighed. "You are him." As if confirming my identity, he gestured to me to come inside, without responding to my words before.

But there was someone who did respond to my words. 

"You.." She tried to say, but closed her mouth soon the moment she recalled who else was sitting in the room.