5.11.3 Lies for thee, but not for me.

Lies, fabrications, and false personalities. All were required tools when living a life of deception. 

Each is used to create a mask when dealing with different individuals or targets in this case. Each catered to target their specific personality kinks and how they see you. But still with enough truth in those masks it makes it harder to be found.

Make them think they have leverage over you.

Make them think they know more about you than you are letting it on.

Make them think that you are a white piece of paper open for just them. Only they understand the real you and no one else.

The same was the case with Henry and in some sense Sheva, who had never seen such emotions on Crow's face since the early days. In her eyes, he was just a great liar lacking any actual concern for others while driven by overconfidence.