5.14.2 A perfect plan.

There is no greater talent in this world than the ability to hide from the divine. And that is what Vegal had been able to achieve, although out of accident. A perfect tool for a being like me with nobody to begin with.

Ass for others, they would lose too much, if they were to go through a similar process in order to achieve a similar state as mine. That is, if they were able to find a compatible body to begin with.

Though, for the beings with divine nature or the Daemons, it's not so hard to force things through their existence alone. But generally, they won't do it and only look for their Saints, people who will willingly give up their body for their gods. 

Making it possible for the divine to personally interact with the material world, or so to some extent. Because even a saint is not in control, as I am of this body. For a Saint is mostly a mixture of the two wills, the original owner of the body, mixed with the existential power of a god.