5.14.4 The Ruined Plan.

Even the gods in the world were not omnipotent. So what of a weak creature like me?

I had tried hardest to prevent unnecessary deaths. The people that were close to me, useful to me and loved by me were saved. While the traitors faced their comeuppance, except for Baldar, who needed to be dealt with before he exploded.

Even them, I never wished for his death. For all his flaws, he was still a child I saw grow up from nothing to become someone greater. Much funnier and interesting than his siblings.

I had hopes in future that when time comes, I would be able to fix the problems in his body and rescue him for the greater future that awaits us. But not all the things would go the way you expected them to be.

"Who is this boy?" Anna asked, curious over my existence. As although she had some inkling about Sheva and Rashid through the words of the dwarven agent from before. She was not aware of me, who I was and why I was there.