6.06.1 Meeting Fahna.

"Are you here?" Amir asked about the new mirror that was installed almost recently in his new room. But no response came from this new mirror. Which was somewhat expected, considering the current trend of the Colony. 

"So you ran away or probably got caught. Meaning, I don't have to worry as much." He spoke to himself while going back to his work. 

How long will this quarantine last, Amir was not aware. He didn't know what was going on in the War Fortress nor cared for the reason why his Grandfather still considered him compromised. He just wished to go back to his regular schedule and forget about the things he saw, which included countless burnt bodies under the heat of those weapons. 

Furthermore, he wished to forget it, he wished to forget about it all. The only issue was, if he could do it or not. As recently, the dreams he saw had turned a bit disturbing to say the least.