6.07.1 He is here.

" Madam Silver Glade is calling for me?" Recalling the scary woman that even Jester feared, a smile appeared on Vegal's face.

"I will leave in 10 minutes." Asking his assistant to get the car ready. Vegal abandoned the report and washed his body as fast as he could.

He needs to look presentable in front of the one that controls his nation. For she was the boss of his boss and his only way to crawl out of Jester's shadow.

'Seems like she appreciated my creations.' With a big bright smile on his face, he washed his body and injected some oil into his joints so that they didn't make any noises when he was in the meeting.

"Let's go… What is this?" Coming out of his office, Vegal asked in confusion over the notes that his assistant held in his hand. 

"This came a few minutes ago. Master's orders are that this report is for your eyes only." The term master meant only one thing.