6.08.1 An inevitable meeting.

"Remember this young Apprentices, death is preferable over compromise. You don't sully the Knight's creed, no matter the circumstances." 

The echo of a past reverberated in Remira's mind, making her recall the morals she was brought up in, and how she learned the dos and don'ts of being a knight. Where she had to use appropriate force and where she had to ignore the issues if she ever came across those things.

"A knight dies before compromise." 

"A knight dies before compromise." Kept echoing in her mind the closer she got to the hidden pier used by so-called merchants, who in truth was nothing more than slavers.

"It doesn't feel right." Unaware of the thoughts that Remira had in her head, Farhad complained from the side, exposing his real feelings over the situation. No matter what the circumstances are, one shouldn't fall to the level that they need to ask for the help of some slavers.