6.09.2 Screams of a pig

The fool said it might work. Which made me smile. 

Their tactics were simple as tactics can be, the two apprentice Knights tried their best to keep me in check, while the flintlock-wielding fools tried their best to reload and shoot me dead. So slow, so simple. 

If not for the curse of lethargy and the curse of slowing impeding my movements, I would have long mauled them to death. 

'Fight, fighting under unfavorable conditions, it's a great test for me to see if the year of practice has bode any good results or not. 

I increased the transformation over my body, turning my fingers and feet into hoof shapes, but still standing on two feet. This helped me to fatten up my muscles making it harder for the bullets to harm me. 

Next was the issue with speed and lack of forming momentum to cause any real harm. But no issue there, as it was relative to begin with. 

I was still an adept facing an apprentice, why should I worry about them?