6.11.2 A family tree.

(Massive mistake before, only one had to have the Tauran bloodline in the Brihma continent and that was Hemant… David was not the carrier of it. And it's why I am changing David's bloodline from Tauran to that of Ice Ape. He is still a foreigner in this land, so this should work." 

Was there worry on his Knight? 

Definitely, he was not inhuman and cared for those he considered his own. So the moment he learned of the accident, his first thought was how severe. Would this accident end Hemant's life as a Knight?

Followed by a why. 

Amir didn't think it was an accident, Hemant's strength as a Master level dictated that he could walk freely in the whole country and never face any struggle that would put his life at risk. That is unless he foolishly entered dangerous areas of his own will, or there is a premeditated attack on him.