TGoJ 6.14

Whether it was in my previous life, or the following unlife. One thing that never changed was my inability to truly feel fear. 

Death never scared me, nor did the death of my close companions, all I felt when something bad happened was frustration and anger, but never fear.

For an undead being like me, fear itself held no power, as I have long overcome the greatest source of fear of all, death. Making it harder for me to come to grips with this emotion of fear.

It's why, when showing my hatred for Remira due to the fate that her friends had brought me, I never appeared scared.

There was never fear on my face at that moment, nor is it now. So why.

Why would this woman who I had chosen to act as my champion would say something like this?

"Why would you ask me such a thing?" I asked, curious and a bit befuddled by her question. As she seemed to think that I was scared. Which I was definitely not.