7.00.2 the glass slab.

I was only away for a few months and since coming back, my first destination obviously became Vegal's laboratory, considering how many of my old friends were being given a new life here. 

I had hoped they would grow and accompany me on this boring journey. But what do I find? 

A failure. 

"Don't you care about those pitiful souls? How much they are suffering due to your incompetence?" 

"Master, it's not like I am doing it purposefully. Accidents happen…" 

"Then let those accidents happen with the other ones, the ones whose lives hold no value." 

"That's the other issue I was wanting to speak to you about." It was then that I learned a sad reality. "All of them broke down after 2nd incarnation?" 

"Only MK04T and MK07M remained among the living… obviously the former of the two just did that to himself." 

Both of them were people I liked and both of them ended up surviving while the other test subjects failed to.