7.03.2 Please spare me.

"Everything is messed up now." Labhan Parsa was the soldier's name. He belonged to the high class of Luthanza who had achieved his wealth only recently due to some lucky investments that his father made in trades a few decades ago.

Or so was the lie that his family has perpetuated. The truth was, that the small military family of Parsa had their hands in the slave business, like many other military families of Luthanza that were responsible for managing the territory.

Some of these families even dreamt of buying their way into nobility when they were rich enough. 

But everything was ruined due to the attack on the factories.

Suddenly, there were new people joining their ranks, Soldiers with a stronger background than their own who were completely oblivious to what went on in the dark of Luthanza. 

"Have you gone mad?"