8.11.4 He is here.

An outsider, that's who Heroth had been for most of his life. 

And the reason for that? Heroth knew it, he knew it full well and to prevent things from getting worse, he did his best to soothe those in his head with simple songs. He has never sung for himself, he sang to keep those in his head quiet. 

A way to suppress the things that were getting stronger with time. As for what was to blame for it, he could never pinpoint it, even his employer Malidi just spoke of the walls breaking down and nothing more. 

"Bold words for someone in your position." Lady Lies said, rubbing the blood on her forehead with her handkerchief. 

"You forced me into this, this hearing was never just, you are worse than a Pirate's court. Lacking any semblance of fairness."