'So annoying.' A single spindle into his shoulder exploded into bones and viscera, causing Rosso's arm to dangle with a small piece of flesh. "The cat is alive… truly an oddity." With this attack, Rosso noticed something due to the Eye of insight.
The current body of Farhad was mutated and over four meters tall, not to mention, right at the very center of Farhad's chest, there it was, a small cat that seemed to have been absorbed into Farhad's flesh with only his head exposed into the open, which did appear cute, if not for the fact that this cat can see through his curse of Isolation.
But so what if he can be tracked? Taking out the dagger that Rosso had kept with himself all this time using his intact hand, he sliced it toward Farhad who dared to come close to him. And being ignorant of its power, he let it hit his flesh.