9.17.1 How to kill him?

Being young and ignorant is never a crime. But the harm the combination of the two can do is not something to gawk at. 

Remira in her guilt at the moment might take some wrong steps. She might do things that are not right due to her own personal morals. And Alabasta would have allowed her to make such mistakes as he had countless times in history before. But there are mistakes that can be ignored as well as learned from, and then there are those whose consequences are not so hard to ignore.

In Alabasta's eyes, Farhad's existence is so dangerous. 

'The Wraith is charismatic.' His interactions with the wraith had been minuscule. After years of pursuing that monster that kept growing right in front of his eyes, Alabasta knows the odd habit of Jester always finding some help from the side. There are always people out there willing to follow him, learn from him, and serve him with their lives on the line.