"That's not Lan, I want to express something," Seina said while holding Elan's hand.


"I merely want you and Elina to be secure. We're back to how we were, sort of. We used to be friends.

Elan took a moment to bite her lower lip.

Elan said, "Sey... I... I like you."

Seina tightly guarded her heart against Elan, thus she wasn't prepared for Elan to reveal it.

Seina didn't respond, but she was still in love with Elan. She asked Elan to look after her because her heart was still racing quickly.

However, Seina now questions Elan and worries that she will suffer harm once more.

"I...." Seina could not respond and remained mute.

Elan offered Seina water after taking some "Now, you're not required to respond. However, Sey, I'm still waiting for your response."

"But I'm unable to respond, Lan,"  said Seina.

Seina was still pondering it and was preoccupied with her thoughts.

"Hey... Don't think too hard; I won't expect you to respond right now," said Elan.

Although Elan waited, they didn't wait for proof because Elan knew Seina still had her doubts. Time itself only exists and flows.

Elan was quite skilled at getting Seina caught once more. He nonchalantly cracked jokes and related amusing tales, which caused Seina to laugh aloud.

However, Vino waited for Seina, who never showed up, and had no idea where she was.


"Na... Do you remember Seina? "Vino walked over to Elina and said.

Elena questioned, "Where is Seina?"

Even Elina, who last saw Elan earlier, doesn't know where Seina went.

Elina claimed, "I attended Elan's lesson, but I didn't meet Elan."

Elina wants to restart, although she is still upset with Elan. Instead of destroying their friendship over sentiments, they should rebuild it.

Vino and Elina were interested in Seina and Elan's sudden disappearance.

Could Seina and Elan be dating, Vino and Elina speculated. But Elina doesn't appear to want to embarrass herself in front of Vino, who appears envious. He didn't say anything to Vino.

Vin," Elina said.


"Let's go to the cafeteria," I said.

It was unpleasant, but Elina abruptly asked Vino to go to the cafeteria. Elina only wants to be near her classmate, but it appears that Vino is not interested in her because he declines her request.

Vino yelled, "Sorry Na, I have an appointment," and ran off.

Vino's rejection of Elina irritated her a little because it appeared that all the boys she approached had bowed down to Seina.


As the lesson is ready to begin, Vino bombards Seina with inquiries.

She shouted worriedly for Seina, "Where have you been?"

"I just needed some alone time."

Vino appears disappointed with Seina for beginning to lie. Vino is concerned that Elan might fall in love with Seina.

Vino stopped talking and started watching Seina instead. Seina picked up the box book from her desk's shelf and found a note inside as Elina continued to stare at her. Elina didn't mention the name on the letter, but Seina already knew it was her writing. Seina carefully examined the letter's writing.

While reading the letter from Elina, Seina grinned. Vino punched Seina's chair with his curious foot.

"why Sey What brings you joy?"

Vino is concerned that Seina's frequent smiles are reserved just for Elan, which worries him. Vino is quite intrigued about Seina's conduct.

Vino kept asking, but Seina just shook her head and didn't give a damn.


Seina approaches Elina after school. Elina appears unfazed, but Seina knows that deep down, she has begun to embrace Seina's presence once more.

Seina invited Elina, saying, "Let's go home."

Seina offered to bring the book that Elina was going to bring, and Elina nodded.

"How will you organize all these books? Still a little uncomfortable," Seina stated.

Elina remarked, "I want to take it to the library."

Seina followed Elina without saying a word, and they verified the book that Elina had brought. When Elina's turn came on the picket schedule that day, she returned the books her friends had borrowed, and the other pickets that day had to return the volumes to the shelves in the order in which they had been taken out. It is simpler for anyone to place the book back into the bookshelf because the type of book is already written on the shelf.

Seina was hesitant as she spoke "Why do you feel the need to contact me once more? Your heart is beginning to recover? Or do you no longer feel pain? "Seina, who was still interested in Elina's newly recognizable attitude, said.

"The heartache allegedly still exists. Simply put... I'll try to be a little willing because I know you enjoy Elan as well," Elina cried out.

Seina genuinely hopes that the joyful times they shared in the past with Elani would return.

Seina exclaimed with a false smile, "If only I had known you and Elan were dating, I wouldn't have pursued Elan that far."


After they had completed organizing the books, Elina glanced at Seina as they left the school grounds for their homes.

Seina added, glancing at Elina, "Even so, I want us to be close again like before."

Seina had the impression that Elina, who was standing in front of her, had not reverted to her former self even though she was back with him. Elina, who is still uncomfortable with him, and Elina, who is quieter.

"Sey, you do want to be with me, right? I'm anticipating an invitation," Elina stated.

When Elina asked to be picked up by her sister on the way home, Seina nodded.

"I'm heading home by myself."

Elina asked, "Are you certain you don't want to be together?"

Seina used to ask Elina for a ride whenever she didn't have her car, but this time Seina didn't want that.

Seina awaited for the bus or public transportation to arrive at her residence while waiting at the bus stop.

When Vino noticed Seina by herself, he attempted to approach her but failed because Elan arrived first.

Elan asked Sey, "Sey.... Shall I deliver?" while grinning sweetly"I'll just wait for the bus or public transportation no need for Lan."

Elan yelled, "Still long Sey."

Seina glanced at her watch and estimated that the bus or other form of transit would still be a half-hour distant. Even the sky had begun to cloud over. It would have rained until the boarding house if Seina had waited for the bus or train to arrive.

The boarding home close to her school is typically haunted, so Seina looks for a boarding house that is quite a distance away. Seina continually regrets herself for not seeking a boarding house near her school.

Seina reasoned that since he had a motorcycle, being 30 minutes away from his school wouldn't be a problem. Seina, though, has stopped worrying about whether or not her car is having problems.

"Are you certain you want to hold off?"  Elan yelled and held out his hand to Seina, giving her a blue helmet to wear.

Seina said, "I'm going home already, aren't I?" as she continued to wait for the helmet. As he repositioned his helmet in front of the motorcycle seat, Elan yelled.

While Elan was ready to get off his motorcycle, Seina jumped on and seated down. Elan looked at Seina while grinning at himself in the mirror. Seina remained silent and showed no emotion.

Seina was given the blue helmet by Elan, who yelled, "Here, put it on first!"

"You... Who was after you? You brought two helmets—why?" said Seina.

To be continued....