Seina didn't want to spend Tuesday night with Vino. The evening that Vino will remember as being very romantic. Vino is already dressed because he has planned his outfit. encased in a jacket are a shirt and jeans. However, Seina appears unmotivated and is unwilling to go out with Vino.

Seina yelled, "I don't know why I feel so sluggish."

Seina's being picked up by Vino. Seina prepared.

Seina had modest makeup and didn't appear as gorgeous that night. Not at all like when he was dating Elan.

Vino signaled that he was already in front of his boarding house by honking his motorcycle.

Running outside, Seina secured her bedroom.

"Vin, are you there yet? So soon?" said Seina.

"Yes," he replied.

Vino had just phoned Seina to say that he would be there shortly, but suddenly he was standing in front of her boarding home.

Seina asked, "Where are we going, Vin?"

He said, "Come on, come on up here."

Vino takes Seina carefully while riding on his motorcycle so that Seina won't have to hold on to him too hard.

Vino yelled, "Do you not hold it, Sey."

Vino resisted Seina's attempts to grip his waist since they made him uneasy and tense.

Seina's hand was dragged toward her stomach by Vino.

Vino yelled, "Hold it here."

Seina felt merely the typical heartbeat as Vino's began to feel.

Seina was largely silent and didn't speak as much as usual.

The same is true for Vino, who is nervous and concentrates more on the streets.


Vino demanded, seizing Sey's food menu from the server, "What do you want to eat Sey?"

Seina yelled, "You can have steak and strawberry juice."

"If you?" Seina turned to face Vino.

Vino continued to peruse the menu "It's alright. I'll stick to orange juice, though," said he.

Vino placed a call to the cafe server and began placing our orders.

Not even romantic, nothing remarkable. The tune that was playing in the cafe was heard by us.

An emotional tune. It doesn't go with the environment.


Vino yelled, "Sey, I'll go there first, all right?"

"Eh, hold on a second, what do you need? What's your destination?" Seina feared being left alone. Vino grinned as he moved toward the tiny stage to join some of the performers.

Vino yelled, indicating to Seina, "I want to dedicate this song to the girls there."

Seina's face went scarlet and she appeared embarrassed as many applauded and supported Vino.

Seina ate the delivered steak while facing away from Vino.

But Vino's incredibly melodic voice had Seina spellbound. Vino delivers the song with a lot of souls.

Seina was astounded by a man who performed a song for her as she turned and stared at Vino, feeling as though time had stood still.

Seina unexpectedly grinned at Vino. It seemed as though Vino's voice had charmed Seina.

Without even blinking, Seina noticed Vino being proudly observed by her.

The audience applauded as they saw Seina attempting to help Vino.

Vino ended singing, while Seina remained still and mute.

Vino walked up to Seina and grinned.

"Isn't that good," Vino remarked.

"Good," Seina said.

Vino screamed, "I mean my voice."

"Eh...." Vino laughed at Seina's absurd behavior as she answered Vino's inquiry subconscientially out of embarrassment.

Vino tells Seina a tale about how he used to play in the band at his old school before moving away to?

Seina abruptly yelled out, "Famous?"

"Eumb... I have no idea, but many women are amazed,"

Seina exclaimed, "It's the same as becoming famous!"

Vino is still not as well-known among girls, in Seina's opinion, as Elan is.

Simply put, Vino looks like a boy with a more cool, fashionable appearance than Elan, who is a neat guy.

Many women stole a glimpse at Vino when she finished singing.

Despite feeling uneasy about it, Seina refrained from requesting to go home. since they've just eaten.


Seina yelled, "Thanks for tonight, Vin."

"Why do you say thanks? I ought to have stated that," Vino disputed.

Seina fixed her gaze.

"Yes, Sey, I invited you." Vino continued to speak loudly. 

"Still, I got to eat for free," Seina remarked.

Vino chuckled at Seina's response. Vino answered, "Yes, it's a reward for providing free meals to boarders' kids."


The unexpected Vino turns out to be able to make Seina's world more colorful on the night she didn't want to be very enjoyable for her.

Vino was more sensitive and, of course, more attentive than Seina had anticipated.

Seina is now picturing in her heart who the lad will stop.

Elan or Vino.

The most crucial factor is that Seina can feel safe and at ease with whomever it is. Don't want to think about it too much.


The light that was initially on abruptly went off in the middle of the night. Seina was terrified.

Seina attempts to get in touch with the proprietor of the boarding house because she is not used to sleeping in the dark. Seina, on the other hand, lit the one candle she possessed.

While most of the occupants of the boarding house are leaving to go home, some are still outside and have not come inside.

Seina wanted to use the restroom but was too afraid. Finally, he couldn't help but dare since he was so desperate to urinate. Although the bathroom is still in the same space as the bed and is separated from it by a wall.

Seina searched the area for anything nearby. There was a candle, but it wasn't enough to light the bathroom.

Seina abruptly lost balance and slipped.


"Ow!" Seina screamed in agony and stumbled.

Seina groaned in pain and sobbed since he couldn't see anything around him due to the dim lighting. His knee began to sting.

He urinates, then uses a candle to light his knee.

Seina yelled, "You don't have to be sick."

The medication box was empty and he had not had time to fill it; his knee was bleeding and covered in blisters.

He struggled to get to sleep as the discomfort persisted in tormenting him. Seina was able to close her eyes and drift off to sleep up until two in the morning.


Seina attempted to appear normal while limping so that Elan and Vino wouldn't be aware of her wounded knee if they saw her.

As Seina approached the infirmary, a hand from behind the door halted it just as she was about to open it. Seina caught a glimpse and was startled to see Elan following her.

Elan asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay," Seina said while shaking her head.

Elan cast a glance at the area where a small sign said "Health room."

Biting her bottom lip, Seina displayed her hurt leg.


Elan began applying ointment after rubbing alcohol on Seina's knee.

Seina took out her bag and gave Elan's book back.

Seina yelled, "Thank you!"

However, Elan was still observed applying ointment and did not seem to appreciate Seina's statements.

Seina moaned, "Ow."

"Sorry. I'm trying to pace myself "Elan blew Seina's knee as he spoke.

Seina shouted indulgently, "It hurts."

"Why did you arrive here? It appears to be a fresh wound," added Elan.

"Yes. I fell last night, the lights went out," He yelled.

Why don't you try to contact me? Elan asked as he regarded Seina's face with emotion.

***To be continued...