Seina should have arrived by now, and class had already begun, but her mind was already foggy. Seina resisted picking up the phone when Vino called him frequently.

With the sound of kids playing in the garden, Seina was silent.

"Lan, what would you like to say?" Seina didn't mince words so that Elan wouldn't assume she was fine. Despite Seina's desire for Elan to provide a more thorough explanation, Seina was unable to compel Elan to do so.

Elan started the conversation by announcing that he and Elina were dating.

Seina, who had been waiting for Elan's prefix, unwaveringly replied, "Yes Lan, I also know that."

Elan explained, "Elina and I are distant relatives."

Even if Elina and Elan are dating, Seina still understands Elan's statement. However, since Elina and Elan are related, it makes sense that their names are so similar. Seina was shocked by Elan's statement and had not anticipated it. Seina struggles to hide her fearful expression.

Seina spoke "Eli.. Na... E... Lan" haltingly.

"Nearly the same name," Seina said.

Seina's face was looking straight ahead when Elan moved nearer, but Seina didn't seem to mind Elan's attention.

"Yes, Lan, I get it," Seina murmured, trying not to flinch.

However, what about that necklace? Elan nodded. I didn't want to forget about Elina, and I wanted to keep in touch with her, but when my mother and Elina's parents disagreed, I felt like I had lost the battle.

"Is that the reason you split up with Elina? Elan answered.

With a strong stare in her direction, Elan said, "Now I want to start everything with you."

When Elan wished to switch to Seina, Seina's heart felt heavy despite being already overflowing with his universe.

"Are you liking me?" When Elan confessed all her feelings for Seina, Seina did not immediately respond. Elan sought Elan's response.

Without thinking, Seina exclaimed, "Yes Lan, I like you."

"Then? Why are you holding out?"

Seina's phone vibrates once more, suggesting that she still doesn't comprehend the issue. To avoid disturbing anyone in the park, Seina softly vibrates her phone on purpose.

Elan sees Seina's cell phone.

"Because of this, Seina yelled."

Still, Elan didn't anticipate Seina siding with Vino.

"You enjoy Vino?"

Seina took a very long time to respond to it since she was unsure of how she felt about Vino. Although Seina is aware of her attraction to Elan, she does not wish to date him.

"Sey Do you like Vino, I queried?" Elan didn't stop asking until he had a satisfactory response.

"I am unaware of Lan."

Elan was quite hurt and disappointed by Seina's response.

"You just can't choose between me and Elina, even though you are aware of how much I like you. I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now, Lan," Seina grumbled.

In addition, Elan wanted Seina, the person who had been pursuing her before, to see and answer his questions.

Elan took a quick look at Seina's actions; there was something odd about her that wasn't like the old Seina.

"Your journal? You haven't written anything in that notebook recently, right?"

Even the slightest thing Elan knows and pays attention to Seina, it's true Elan has been watching Seina from the first without Seina realizing it.

"Oh... I threw it away," he answered shortly without further ado.

If previously Seina had never been shy about Elan, now Seina is very distant and looks awkward.

"Why?" Elan kept asking questions that were very difficult for Seina to answer.

In Seina's heart, 'Obviously, I threw it away. It's all because of you!'

Seina wanted to say that, but she couldn't say those words.

Seina changed the subject by saying, "I'm thirsty, Lan."

Without asking Seina what she wanted, Elan placed a drink order.

Seina's phone continued to vibrate because Vino had left numerous unanswered calls.

Seina said, "Focus Sey, don't think about anything."

Seina grew restless after Elan handed her a strawberry milkshake. even though Elan is in front of him, he remains composed and senses something is lacking. Elan, who once made his way into Seina's heart and made himself at home. But why does it seem different to be around him now?

Seina rushed over and said, "Lan, let's go home."

"Sey, where are you going?"

"I don't like you, truants, so don't make me feel differently. You are cool but caring, and I like that. You are not this way!"

Seina's wrath suddenly flares up, and she isn't even sure what's driving it.

She will become exhausted and keep thinking about the two men she likes but doesn't comprehend. When it reaches its peak, Seina gets to her feet and leaves.

Elan gave Sey a back hug and said, "Sey wait."

Deg... Seina's body went slack, and her heart appeared to stop.

Lan? Why are things so difficult to understand? Seina, on the other hand, is content, although she genuinely wants to meet Vino.

"Sey, please don't let me go; I like you. I apologize for ever leaving you," While squeezing Seina even closer, Elan yelled.

Elan's comment made Seina pleased, but she still preferred to think of Elan as a friend.

"I assume you already know my response, Lan. I can't respond just yet. now," Seina spoke without keeping Elan's hand in hers.

"Just for a bit, stay put, and don't move. This is how I want to be," Elan grabbed him more tightly while screaming.

Seina's hair was caressed by the wind, and Elan could smell the shampoo in the air. Elan could be heard snorting and kissing Seina's hair.

He murmured, "Smelly," and remained firmly in her grasp.

Seina caught sight of Elan's hand and immediately felt the urge to take it on her own, but she refrained out of fear of losing control over her emotions once more.

Seina made an effort to softly and carefully hold Elan's hand. I threw away all of our photo albums after realizing that you used to think I meant nothing to you. I told you all there was to know about you, but I can't get over how much you adored those white shoes. Seina subconsciously took note of Elan's shoes as she was wearing what she was currently donning.

Elan muttered sluggishly in Seina's arms, "I altered this a few days ago."

"Change? Purchasing again? The model and color are identical," In shock, Seina yelled.

Elan could have purchased it in many models and colors, but he chose not to. He purchased it in an exact duplicate of the previous model.

"Yes, consciously. You keep making notes about me in your notebook so that I'll be in your thoughts; this makes me think about you and the little things that make you," Elan spoke carelessly.

After hearing Elan's comments, Seina was silent. Elan wants to be seen in that way so he won't try to change who he is. However, according to Seina, Elan's character and behavior have changed and no longer match what they used to be, not the clothes he wears. Seina occasionally yearns for the previous Elan.

***To be continued...