Seina was silent and uncommunicative the following day because she knew what had happened the previous evening that had caused Elina to decide against going to school. While Elina refused to answer her phone or speak to Seina, not even to Zean, Seina remained silent and pondered what had happened to Elina. Zean wanted Elina to tell him something, but she refrained.

Seina approached Zean and purposefully questioned him who was standing next to the park while he was sitting on the ground. Zean sat by himself, as Seina had observed him doing before.

Seina yelled to Zean, "Zean, there's something I want to talk about," and Zean understood what Seina was planning to say. Zean acknowledged that he was ignorant about Elina.

Zean responded, "Yes Sey, I know what you want to ask, I'm truly confused."

Zean folded his legs up to his knees and kept his head up while looking front.