chapter 3

We were Concentrating on what Prof Angelo was teaching and also taking a few points down.He also spoke on the major branches of philosophy which are metaphysics,epistemology,ethics and aesthetics.I was extremely curious to know more about the topic because it seems interesting.

"Can anyone explain any of the branches listed above"pointing to the screen.

The word Epistemology sounded so cognizant to me so i indicated by putting my hands up

"Yes Ms"pointing to me "Can you start by saying your name"prof Angelo said.

"I'm Paris Smith"I said placing my book on the desk as i stood up"I will be explaining Epistemology"I said with a bright face up,"Epistemology is a branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge,theory of knowledge"

"That's so correct, Paris a round of applause for her"the class clapped. I felt so happy sitting down. I noticed a person smiling at me but I just pretended not to notice it.

"Now can someone explain any other branch of philosophy"A person from behind indicated 

"Yes Mister can you speak to the class"

Stood up adjusting the collar of his shirt "I'm Gabriel Peter's I will be explaining Logic,Logic in philosophy is the study of principle and criteria of valid inference and demonstration.

"You are absolutely correct and a well detailed explanation, a round of applause for him"prof Angelo said smiling.we have gotten to the end of today's teaching till our next class.

  "Have a pleasant day ahead"

Immediately prof Angelo left the class a guy walked up to me

"Hey you must be paris I guessed"smiling stretching his hands for a shake, 

He looked so cute,smelled so nice, his perfume fragrance was fruity and his phone was expensive. I know that for sure.

"It's a pleasure meeting you"I replied I was enjoying the fragrance from his outfit.

"Same here i'm gabriel ''winking at me.

"Can you all be seated?" a dark tall man with lots of books on his hands said as he entered the class,we all immediately sat down properly.

"I'm prof Jack one of your science lecturer i will be taking just one of your science courses"he said looking straight at us like he was expecting a keen reply from us,This notes with me will be shared among you all and it is to be brought to class whenever you are having any of your science courses along with your laboratory wear "Am i well understood"

    Yes sir we replied in unison

 "We will be needing some acting class coordinators for synchronizing of the laboratory activities,so it's time to start nominating anyone you feel fits into that position".

  "We don't know ourselves"A chubby fair girl said from behind.That's right Ms,pro jack said smiling "but let's start from you Ms".pointing to the chubby girl who spoke from behind"start by introducing yourself to us.

Standing from her seat at the back"My name is Sera Jones i will be nominating"... looking to check who she will be nominating now smiling"l will be nominating that dark skin girl sitting in front pointing towards where i sitting

"Ms can you please come forward to identify who you are nominating"prof Jack suggested looking at sera,she walked towards my sit and picked me i was looking so confused because i don't know her also not sure she was referring to me,still smiling at me "I nominate you"whispering to my ears "pretty damsel" I looked at her even more confused.

  "That's good Ms can you return to your seat and the norminated person should be on her feet"

Standing quitely

 "you will also be nominating another person who will be working alongside with you and has to be a male,Ms the floor is your's"

    "I will be nominating"… trying to remember that guys name who winked at me."I will be nominating gabriel" my heart skipped abit as i turned pointing towards his sitting direction.

"That was quick paris you may be seated,gabriel can you be on your feet?

He stood up with a plain face as i turned to look at him he looked more cute like i have not seen him before.

"You will be working aloneside with paris to coordinate all practical classes I will want both of you to work together to achieve a efficacious class,That will be the end of today's class till our next class.Gud day to you all and have a blissful day ahead"

As prof jack was about leaving the class he just turned and walked towards my seat then gave me a list of student names.

"Paris you will be pasting this list by the notice board and inform you colleague of the list so they can check for their names".

"That's won't be a problem sir"