Soon confess her feelings

The next day Sandra reached the University and saw a few cops interrogating Alexa's friends. Avoiding them, she quickly entered the building and headed to the class.

Her mind was not at peace since yesterday night. She kept scolding herself for being so reckless that she took someone's life. 

With the same distraught thoughts, she entered the class when suddenly Gabriel jumped out of nowhere scaring the hell out of her. 

"Scared you" he playfully teased her but that didn't go well with Sandra as she snapped at him catching everyone's eye on them.

"Gabriel, what kind of behavior is this?" her voice roared inside the class and everything turned quiet for some time.

"Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean you can keep behaving like a child around me. Grow up!" Sandra was so mad that she didn't hold back her anger and kept scolding Gabriel.