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"I don't think she would let me in so easily. I literally lied about getting drunk, and dragging her out of Noah's place" Tristan muttered rubbing his temples.

Trevor could only shake his head at his son's stupidity. But he couldn't blame him even though he was the same when it came to having his wife's attention all by himself.

When he sensed that Grace wasn't paying much heed to him, he would too come up with any silly tricks but was barely caught. The spike one was the only exception for now.

"Then my son, you should shift your things in the study room because I don't think you are ever going to sleep with your wife again" Patting his son's shoulder Trevor got up and walked out of the study with the jar in his hand.

Trevor assured his son because of his own experiences and other than consoling him he couldn't help him in any way.