Upon arriving in the town of Alanor, what greeted me was the smell of street food, alcohol, and many things. There were more people in this town than in the town at the beginning.
"Buy some takoyaki 4pc per box! If you buy 2 boxes, you get 1 free!"
"Get some fish fresh from Port Town!"
"Hey there, want to play a game?"
"Looking for a level 50 mage to raid the Lizardmen Camp!"
"Looking for a party! I'm a level 45 Moon Cleric."
There was an abundance of players and NPCs alike in Alanor, and the further I walked inside the town, the harder it is to get to places as the crowds just kept growing, well it was that time of the month.
"Who wants to join the Colosseum? You must be level 60-99 to be eligible to join, though you can sign up now even if you're not at the right level. Once the tournament begins and you're still below level 60, then your name will be removed!"
The colosseum event is one of the few events that are hosted solely by the players. Of course, there's also the official tournament, where you can grind to raise your ranking on the server, but the colosseum is different, it's an event where many guilds gather to recruit promising new players, and unlike the official tournament, the colosseum's event can be survival in a harsh environment, the normal PVP, or even attackers vs defenders, sometimes all three or just two at once.
Sure, you can scout players in a tournament, but the tournament is limited to only the arena, and it can only display certain potentials of a player, what if the player you recruited is good at PVP, but sucks when is placed in a position where you need to siege a castle or take many on many players at the same time.
"I'll sign up."
"Here you go sir, just write your name and class."
A woman in a bunny suit handed me a parchment of paper, and a floating keyboard appeared in my vision. I placed in my name, class, level, the number of titles, and race. Then handed it back to the lady in a bunny suit.
"Thank you, sir."
She read through the parchment of paper, and her eyes widened at the class name and the number of titles that I have, though when she turned to look back up at me, I was already gone to farm.
"It seems we have some promising participants this time around."
A man with white hair and a pair of glasses read through the papers that he has in hand. He placed them back on the table and looked at the rest of the papers, this time around the agility-oriented class is becoming more famous., though there's also a handful of mages and tanks.
The white-haired man looked up from the paper and saw a woman in heavy-plate armor, and a golden helmet covering her face.
"Jeanne, what is it? Did the raid fail? Or was there an unexpected variable?"
Jeanne took off her golden helmet and let her red hair flow down.
"Sir, Magnus. It was a latter, a player whose flames it cannot douse, that lasts until he lives, helped me with the raid of the twin-headed troll."
Magnus placed down the papers from his hands, then he stood up.
"Tell me, is he a mage?"
Jeanne shook her head and elaborated on her report.
"So, a man with the power of a mage wields a sword and is faster than a swordsman? And you failed to recruit him?"
Jeanne looked down and felt bad. If that man didn't join the Rising Sun guild, then he might get recruited by another guild, much worse if it's a rival guild they barely made it into the top 100, but if they were to recruit that man first then they're ranking will boost by a lot in the upcoming guild wars.
"Here, look at these participants, and tell me if you recognize him."
Jeanne nodded and stepped forward to the table, though they could not find him until someone was screaming in the halls for Magnus' name. Then the door slammed open, and a man or a boy standing somewhere between 3-4ft tall while holding a paper in his hand was breathless.
"Sir. Magnus! I got something you might be interested in!"
Magnus went over to the short man and took the paper from his sweat-filled hand, and when he read the paper, his jaws went slack and laughed out loud.
"Is this the one you failed to recruit, Jeanne?"
Jeanne went over to Magnus and read the paper.
"Clarent, his class is Alcorian Master Swordsman, a master swordsman, level 52, and he has 7 titles!"
"Yes, not only is he the first player to reach the rank of Master while being an Alcorian Swordsman, the number of titles he has is astonishing for his level."
Getting titles isn't a small deal, for example, to get the goblin slayer title, which is only Magical in rank, you need to kill 500 goblins by yourself or you need to at least land the killing blow, there is also the case of which you killed something that shouldn't be killed or the first to discover something, then the last you need to achieve something that is equivalent of changing the fate of the entire continent.
"Then tell everyone in the Rising Sun guild that if they ever see this man, they must recruit him, whatever it takes!"
"But sir, isn't he just an Alcorian Swordsman?"
That was true the alcorian swordsman always held a poor reputation for having only one class upgrade, no ultimate skill, and poor scaling compared to other classes, well that was until Clarent appeared.
"No matter, even if his class is that of an Alcorian Swordsman, he still has a lot of potential, so do whatever it takes to get him to our side!"
"Yes, captain!"
"As per your will!"
A single player that could shake up the guilds has appeared in the scene.
Alanor's forest area, hills, and plains have fewer monsters because of the concentration of players here, and leveling up to 60 will be harder since Alanor only has creatures between the level of 10~20, and the most dangerous area which is the hills only has monsters between the level of 20~30.
Though there's one way to solve that, I just need to go to a dungeon and level up there.
"Is that a mage?"
"No, he's wielding a golden sword."
"Then a Magic Swordsman?"
"A Magic Swordsman doesn't have that much mana unless they're a high-level player."
I've only been farming in the hills of Alanor for some time, using my blue flames to destroy the monsters that come closer, those that retreat gets chased by the blue flames, despite killing a hundred of them already I've leveled up only once.
"I guess I need to go to that dungeon."
I walked away from the hills, and the players sighed in relief as they can finally farm in peace without the presence of a player that can destroy all the monsters at a moment's notice.
I walked toward the top of the hill; I used the blue flames to raze the top of the hill, and then an invisible dome deflected it, but as soon as it did, the invisible dome went down.
What replaced the invisible dome was a graveyard, and in the middle was a small church.
[Agash's Church]
Agash's Church is one of the hardest dungeons in the game, with pit traps, changing rooms, high-level monsters, a mirror maze, and the last boss of the dungeon, the fact only players under level 70 can take part, and only one player at a time can enter this dungeon made it incredibly hard, from what I remember, this dungeon was first found 18 years ago, so this dungeon is one of the oldest ones that are yet to be conquered.
"I already have everything needed to conquer this dungeon."
At first, I had thought of buying a holy armament, and getting a trap locating skill, but since I have the title [Conqueror of the Alcorian Dungeon] which gives me an additional 50% damage boost against the undead inside a dungeon, and the skill [Mind's Eye] that gives me a sort of sixth sense I don't need to worry about the traps.
I walked past the graveyard and entered the abandoned church. The chandeliers on the floor and the church chairs are broken and splintered. Some only have missing parts like their legs, but most are broken in half or just missing from their spots.
Walking through the middle and heading up to the broken altar of a forgotten
[Agash's Crypt]
[Would You Like To Enter?]
I pressed yes, then I was transported inside the crypt.
"This'll be fun."