
Chen Han was panting and sweating profusely, but the other party didn't even breathe at all, like a zombie who had long since lost his life.

"Do you know what a killer is?"

The black shadow's calm voice came, and without waiting for Chen Han to answer, he said to himself: "Once you accept the entrustment of the employer, no matter the strength of the target, you will kill it regardless of the cost and any means. An assassination operation. In short, the target and the killer can only survive one, otherwise it will be worthy of the word killer, the commission of the Nine Shamen has not ended, even if Qi Yuankui is dead."

"If you are a beast with a human face and a beast's heart, if you dare to do anything to me, my master will definitely kill your whole family, making your life worse than death, woo woo..."

"Do you know who my master is?He's ranked fifth in the global killer rankings, codenamed Residual Blood, he is my master!"