Blood Oath [II]

Surprisingly, he flew to the first floor, and several people took advantage of the situation to put the spiritual stones and treasures of heaven and earth in the storage bag. Xiang Lang breathed a sigh of relief: "Chen Han, your storage rings Don't be seen, and after the event is completed, give me a point, or I will stab it right away."

The corners of Chen Han's mouth twitched several times, wishing to kick him to death, Er Lengzi has learned badly, and actually knows how to use tricks to coerce people.

Just as he was about to rush out of the last gate, in the surprised eyes of Fang Chihai and others, Chen Han threw the four storage rings on the ground.

"Are you ill? It contains the essence of the Earth's spiritual veins, and you actually threw it away?" Xiang Lang couldn't help roaring through the sound transmission.

"You can't miss your share, don't worry about the rest."