Truly Shocking [I]

The speed of improvement was far faster than that of ordinary people, who could pick one out of ten thousand. This residual blood knows it, because Chen Han has a lot of essence of the earth's spiritual veins in his hand, and two of the storage rings were still his.

However, making hundreds of people form Nascent Souls overnight and ten thousand people forming golden elixir within a few days was not what the essence of the earth's soul could do.

As for the superior mental method and spiritual weapons, it was even more difficult for him to speculate.

"The essence of the earth's heart pulse, that is the old man's thing, but it is only kept by you temporarily."

Remnant Blood frowned unhappily and looked at Chen Han. At the same time, he was afraid that someone would snatch him, so he quickly stuffed Qingxu Xiaoer Pill into his mouth.