Always Be Careful [III]

"Brother Qin, they should have faded out of the sight of the major forces, right?"

"There's nothing to worry about if Aoxue follows Senior Remnant Blood. When that girl Ziyan returns to Huangfu's family, life may not be as easy as before."

"Hey... Antarctica, and you can't go there by plane. The surface area of ​​the planet has increased a hundred times, and it won't be possible to get there in less than a month."

"It's better not to have any accidents. Fortunately, Remnant Blood and Xiang Kuang, who know the distribution of various forces in the world, can bypass dangerous places."

Standing on a towering mountain peak, Chen Han watched the white clouds fluttering down the mountain, but he couldn't feel the slightest bit of refreshment, only all kinds of worries and anxieties.

That's right!