Fighting A Strong Enemy [II]

"Humans, swear by your sect!"

With a flash of light and shadow all over the belly of the silver dragon, it turned into a middle-aged man in a silver robe, and shouted coldly: "Hand over all the treasures, I won't kill you, but that's all."

Chen Han shook his head and said with a smile: "After entering here, the chance of getting out alive is very slim. In fact, even if you don't kill me, I don't know how long I can live. Therefore, this price is not enough for me to hand over the treasure and kill me. That damn dark elf, at least before I die, I will take revenge for being hunted down!"

"Damn it! We are the most loyal allies. Standing in a disadvantaged position, you still want my allies to kill me? Human, you are telling a joke that is not funny!" The dark elf looked confident, With a sneer all over his face.