Family Infighting [II]

Duanmu Yunhai hesitated for a moment, and after greeting Remnant Blood and the others, the sound transmission responded: "Let's go in first and talk about it. Then you can ask Grandpa yourself. Anyway, there are some troubles within the family. The current Patriarch really values ​​Grandpa. Treat it as a successor, but...forget it, I can't tell for a while, let's go in first."

The restrictions of the manor were opened layer by layer, from the front yard placed on the bright side, to the backyard which was rebuilt after the reversal of heaven and earth, and the area increased to more than ten miles.

However, the backyard was covered by the hermit formation, as if it has disappeared from the world, and it was impossible for ordinary people to see it.

Guided by Duanmu Yunhai, a group of people walked to a courtyard five miles away, which was the current residence of Duanmu Ting and his descendants.