Absolute Deterrence [I]

Such low-level cultivators were powerless to participate in such battles, they are just insignificant cannon fodder, and thousands of cultivators at least at the initial stage of out-of-body state are also a collection of all the elites in Ouyang Villa.


That was to say, at the moment when a large number of people and horses poured out of the villa, a golden glow floated from Xiaodao Tianling.

A huge tower several hundred meters high appeared out of thin air, and it crashed down to block the confronting people. The ground was immediately pressed down by tens of meters, and countless large and small cracks spread.

Immortal Artifact!

The crowd of onlookers screamed in surprise and joy. Ying Zheng's expression froze and he was about to rush over to grab the treasure. At this moment, how could he care about his face and identity?