The Fall Of The Family [II]

During the out-of-body period, Ben Lei's movement skills were activated to the extreme, and the void was almost shattered in the high-speed impact. While he created a snow-white air barrier behind him, there were also a few slender space cracks.

Generally speaking, Jianguang's attack speed was much faster than the body's running speed, so Jianguang, which has reached the speed and power of the distraction stage, already has the ability to initially shatter the void. However, just relying on the speed of the physical body to create cracks in the void, even a few invisible traces, already made the onlookers look pale.

Corresponding to the Lixu knife technique in the later stage of leaving the body, it tore open a long and slender crack in the void. Just when the attacks of the two sides were about to touch each other, Chen Han burst into a loud voice: "Breaking the sky - breaking the stars and cracking the moon, for Lao Tzu!" broken!"
