The Decision Of Life And Death [II]

That's right!

Chen Han has enough strength to challenge the entire Yanhuang Cultivation Realm. The Duanmu family now has more than fifty masters in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage, and there are even a few ancestors in the late Transcendence Tribulation Stage. 

The remaining blood with the body of Fengling and the knife with the body of Gengjin have also reached the astonishing peak of the middle stage of the tribulation, and may break through to the late stage of the tribulation at any time.

In addition to these top-end combat powers, nearly 30,000 cultivators who have integrated the essence of the earth's spiritual veins successively, 70 years of hidden cultivation is equivalent to 700 years of ordinary people's cultivation, and are assisted by massive resources, almost all of them have advanced to distraction period, among which there are thousands of masters of the combined period.