Elleard's True Love

Xavier knew that when Elleard spoke in such a cold tone, it was a sign that his brother really didn't want to talk about the topic.

He couldn't blame Elleard for hating Lisa so much. She could be said to be the only woman Elleard loved sincerely and with all his heart.

When he was younger, Elleard was a fun-loving guy who liked to fool around with lots of different girls. Because he was very handsome and came from a really wealthy and influential family, girls just kept throwing themselves at him.

Xavier remembered that when he was in middle school, his brother who was three years his senior was already busy dating here and there. Elleard was very charming and looked more mature than his age. Even many mature women were attracted to him.

This had made their mother, Gabriella Osbart, worried. She didn't want her eldest son to lead a life that was too wild, and made silly mistakes like impregnating one of the older women he was seeing and then he would be forced to marry her.

Gabriella decided to introduce her old friend's daughter to Elleard, with the hope that her son would fall in love with her, and then have a healthy relationship. That girl was Lisa Beryl. She was very beautiful and smart.

When they were first introduced at Gabriella's tea party, Elleard fell in love with Lisa at first sight. He never thought he would be attracted to a girl his age, but Lisa was indeed special.

Besides being very beautiful, she was also smart. Elleard was always fascinated when he listened to the girl passionately express her opinion about global warming, the cruel whaling tradition in Norway, the surge of refugees from Africa and conflict countries to Europe, and many more.

Elleard could hear Lisa talk for hours about the things she was passionate about. Whereas all this time Elleard did not like women who talked a lot. For him, women's voices were only pleasant to hear when they moaned in bed, naked, as he was pounding them.

Lisa came from a family of a well-known politician. Her mother was Gabriella Osbart's schoolmate in college. Lisa grew up abroad and she also studied at a top university in England. It was when she returned home for summer vacation that she was introduced to Elleard.

When they met, sparks flew and both felt undeniable attraction. Only one week later, Elleard confessed his love to her. Well… Lisa was special and for the first time, Elleard wanted to be the perfect boyfriend.

He broke up with all his flings and stopped looking for new hot girls to play around with. For him one Lisa was enough. For her sake, Elleard turned into a good guy. Well, he's still the crown prince of their mafia empire, but at least he's no longer fooling around with girls. This made his mother super happy and relieved.

Elleard was so sure of their relationship that at the age of 23, Elleard decided to propose to Lisa, after being in a relationship for two years. Unfortunately… the fateful incident happened.

Everything fell apart.

For more than three years, Lisa waited for Elleard's recovery. She remained faithful to him. She visited and stayed by her boyfriend's side as he was lying in a coma. She also patiently waited as the therapists and doctors performed physiotherapy on Elleard's body while he was in his long sleep, so that his body would not have rashes and he could easily move it once he woke up from the coma.

Unfortunately, Lisa's parents were not as patient as their daughter. They always urged Lisa to think about her own future and find another man who could give her security and a good life. They didn't know when Elleard would wake up, or even if he would wake up at all.

After three years, Lisa was betrothed to the son of a minister who also had a brilliant career in politics. The man was predicted to have a very bright future as the future leader of this country.

Xavier couldn't blame Lisa. He knew his former future sister-in-law would have to think about her life without Elleard. To be honest, back then even Xavier didn't know if Elleard could be saved.

However, it turned out that heaven liked playing jokes on them. Exactly one week after Lisa's wedding to the man of her parents' choice, Elleard woke up from the coma.

Xavier still remembered the anger and hatred on Elleard's face when Lisa came to see him in tears and apologized that she now belonged to another man.

Elleard's hatred of Lisa lasted for a month. After that, he realized that his heart still loved her very deeply. He then asked Lisa to come and begged her to divorce her husband and return to his arms.

Lisa's refusal made Elleard very sad and the hatred in his chest became so deep. He even almost ordered Xavier to kill Lisa's husband, but luckily his brother managed to calm Elleard down and convince him to cancel that plan.

In the current situation, their family had to do their utmost to avoid a scandal. Killing a minister's son was something that would bring the Osbart family into the limelight.

Xavier assured Elleard that their focus right now was on growing the Osbart family again and eliminating everyone responsible for their parents' murder.

That was why now Elleard was working so hard. He busied himself to grow their family's business while trying to forget about Lisa.

However, Xavier knew Elleard still had a deep love for that woman. Although now the more dominant feeling in his heart was hatred, Xavier thought that Elleard's hatred was just an expression of his love that could not reach Lisa.

And his conjecture proved correct. When Xavier saw the woman his brother was rushing to marry, he could see how much Elena looked like Lisa.

The two girls both had a small stature and looked very cute with their long brown hair and a pair of beautiful blue eyes. The only difference was that Lisa was very good at makeup and she liked wearing sexy clothes.

Lisa worked as a part-time model for fun and really understood how to look as attractive as possible. She was the type of girl who would make everyone turn their heads and fix their eyes on her whenever she walked into a room with her graceful, confident steps.

Meanwhile, Elena looked very simple and shy. Xavier admitted that Elena had her own charm. Her innocence and shyness actually made Xavier find Elena attractive because she was different from most of the upper-class girls he was used to seeing.

However, Xavier knew his brother very well and could conclude that Elleard did not want to marry Elena because he truly loved her.

Elleard only used her to replace Lisa.