With a mischievous smile, Mr. Salvatore stood up to leave, Dario's men unsheathed their guns ready to shoot at any moment, while Mr. Dario continues to eat nonchalantly with no care in the world.

Forgetting to add the highlight Mr. Salvatore says;

"Ah! Dario." 

Ok now we know the name of this foodie old man who cannot seem to separate himself from his breakfast.

Raising his head lazily, Mr. Dario looks at him urging him to get on with it.

"You will pay for disrespecting my people, you Neanderthal." 

Mr. Salvatore says in native Asian language as he turns and walks out with a mischievous grin on his face.

Standing up Mr. Dario couldn't take the insult as he started shouting at Mr. Salvatore to explain the meaning of what he just said, since it wasn't Italian.

While, Mr. Salvatore: Descending the stairs, smiled mischievously at, Dario for his stupidity like; You just wait and finish your breakfast in hell you asshole.

Just then the helicopter flies by again from a far distance trying to reach all the corners of the vineyard, not missing a single spot, spraying in the air a liquid we are yet to identify which leaves Dario on an edge.

Still confused, Dario asks his bodyguards why they are spraying the pesticides again. As that was done last week.

As them too were confused they looked. (up asking God to open their brain and deposit the answers to this question).

Just then, the helicopter flies pass them again. 

This time spraying Dario and his bodyguards with the liquids which caused the former to scream and curse at the universe for his bad lucks today.

Sniffing himself "Shit!." he cursed in Italian,

Looking at his body he said; "They are not spraying pesticides."

Only at that moment did he realize that this was no pesticides.

Salvatore who leisurely walks away is seen in the distance walking towards his car. Face stoic and cold even a bee will meet its end if it mistakenly decides to play queen bee with him at this moment.

Still walking to his car, he pulls out a golden Customized lighter that can only be produced once in a year base on pre-order, unlocks the safety pin and clicks it on, with a cold grin on his face he threw it behind him as the light meets with the glowing grass: engulfing the whole area in a beautiful flames .

Walking to his car, Mr. Antonio who was standing by the door opened it for him. Making sure that his boss is well seated and comfortable, he drove off leaving the beautiful once glorious vineyard to the dancing yellow glow lights.

Looking out from the window Mr. Salvatore watched as the once beautiful vineyards turn into nothingness. 

It was a remarkable sight if not for the fact that the grapevines are the ones suffering the heat; one would really stop to take a picture as a memento.

As the fire dances together with the grapevines in the distance people could be seen running hectare scatter in the huge space of villa, just that there is no escape route even for them as the fire engulfed the whole area. You can only pass through the fire if you want to escape; which is impossible. Unless you are a Zeus, reincarnate.

Smiling, Mr. Salvatore closes his eyes enjoying the Melodious sound of the Opera playing in the background with a glass of wine from the car mini freezer.


Standing at the balcony of his roof top Mr. Dario screams in Italian;

"Oh no! It's all burning! Everything is burning!"

"Don't just stand there! Move it! Now!."

Fumbling in his pocket for a while, he came up with his phone. Punching some numbers on his phone he hits the dial button only to find out that his mobile phone is out of network and internet service —Which means he won't be able to contact the outside world except for the people within; who were no help, seeing as they are unable to put out the fire. 

Mr. Dario barks orders to his guards to quench the fire by any means possible.

Just then, his eleven year old and eldest son runs out from the building with his mother and their eight year old sister; engulfed in fire, screaming and adding melody to the opera playing in the background,

For a minute, you would think that he is dancing to the rhythm of the music on a stage. Yet, another beautiful sight to behold if not for the fact that someone was actually dying.

In a crazed mood, Dario tries to find any safe space to escape from and save his family: but he couldn't. Even his body is drenched with the gasoline which will mean his death if he should take that part. Resigning to his face Dario screams in agony as tears trickles down his face. Looking at his son, just then it downed on him that his whole family was actually in the building.

While he focused his attention on saving the vineyards, his family was struggling to make it out alive.

Looking at everything going to waste as the fire engulfs the whole area with no escape route. 

This was when he realized that all is really vanity, he had this much power and wealth but failed to keep his family safe, even the vineyards he gave his soul for was just a mirage disappearing in his eyes while stood only watching as everything turns to dust.

"That asshole, Salvatore!. I will get my revenge; I'll get back at everyone! You and the, Castellano family!"

He screams as he urges his servants and bodyguards to hurry and quench the fire. 

He should really have taken the deal. At least he could have kept his family safe. 

Regret really is a painful thing; just that he realized it when there is nothing left to save. 

All that he ever fought for: gone to waste in front of him.

Looking at everybody running like a headless chicken unable to even breathe talk more of quenching the fire; he wails.