Chapter 32: Clothes

Grabbing Anko and Kurenai's hands, I lead them towards the Yamanaka district. Passing many busy civilians, we eventually made it into the bright and cheerful Yamanaka district.

Looking around, I eventually found the store I visited yesterday, Ki Cloth, and entered the store.

Standing behind the counter was the same young woman from yesterday, and upon seeing me she shot me a smile, gesturing for me to go into the back. Giving her a smile, I made my way into the back, giving nods and smiles to all the women working on clothes.

Knocking on the office door, I only had to wait a moment before it opened, revealing the smiling face of Etsuko. Today she wore a teal qipao, with gold trimmings. Bowing my head slightly and gesturing towards my girls, I said "This is Anko, and this is Kurenai. They are... my wives..."

At the end of that sentence, I looked down, blushing slightly, the weight of the jewelry sending shocks through my body once again. Looking up, I saw Etsuko had a gentle smile on her face as she looked between them.

Nodding, she turned back to me, saying "You are one lucky woman, Miss Kokoro. They are quite beautiful."

Feeling both of them move closer to me, I smiled back at her, nodding.

"Now, I have a proposition... Would you three be willing to have pictures taken of you wearing our clothes? So that they can be published in Konoha Fashion."

Widening my eyes, I looked back at Anko and Kurenai. Seeing them similarly shocked, I asked "How much does an outfit usually cost here?"

Pursing her lips, Etsuko said "Between 20 and 80,000 ryo?"

Blinking a few times, I said "I would be honored to model for you!"

Chuckling, Anko nodded, while Kurenai simply said "We'll be in your care!"

Clasping her hands together, Etsuko walked past us, clearing her throat as she looked over the working women.

"Excuse me! Ahem... We have three willing, beautiful models ladies! Let's get to work!"

As soon as she said that, the room went silent, before all the women rushed towards us.

"Alright, Miss Kokoro, Miss Anko, Miss Kurenai, you will be separated, each given an outfit before coming back out here. You see that corner with the white wall? That is where you will wait. Now, follow the women around you to your changing rooms. Let's get to work!"

Nodding dumbly, I followed Etsuko as she led me and a few other women.

Opening a door, she revealed a small changing room.

"Miss Kokoro, do you have a preference? Kimono, Qipao, Dress? Full covering, slightly revealing, or daring?"

Pursing my lips, I said "I would prefer Kimono's and Qipao's, and am fine with anything that isn't daring."

A wide smile spread on the women's faces, before they gathered in a circle, whispering to one another.

Moments passed, and I couldn't make out anything they said, even with my enhanced senses.

Looking towards me, Etsuko said "Alright, we have a few ideas. Lili, go fetch Kimono's seven, eighteen, twenty, and twenty-one. Daiya, grab Qipao's one, three, five, and six. Quick!"

Two women rushed out of the room, the remaining three looking towards me.

Moving closer, Etsuko said "You are fine with us dressing you, yes?"

Hesitating, I nodded my head. I knew how to wear a Kimono and Qipao, but since they are taking pictures to put into Konoha Fashion...

We only had to wait a few moments before Lili and Daiya returned, two hangers on each hand. Quickly placing them on the rack, they grabbed the first Kimono.

Looking at it, I smiled when I saw the design. The main body was black, with cherry blossom patterns covering it. The sash, to be worn around the waist, was a deep pink, matching the cherry blossoms.

They swarmed around me, quickly stripping me before placing the Kimono on my body. Tying and tightening various sections, they finished a minute later. Looking at the mirror, my jaw dropped.

I hadn't worn good, casual clothes in... probably a decade now. I was content with my simple shirts and pants, and before now the only other clothes I had were revealing dresses, the single purpose to be to attract attention and either help my finish my mission or get someone to sleep with me.

I grin spread on my face as I looked at myself in the reflection.

Seeing that, the women around me grinned as well.

"Miss Kokoro, would you prefer a more formal hairstyle or something more... modern?"

Hearing Etsuko ask that, I shrugged. "Either is fine. I have no preference."

The women all reconvened in the corner, whispering again. Ignoring them, I twirled, admiring myself.

Finishing their debate, they puled out a stool, gesturing for me to sit.

As soon as I sat down, they started combing my hair, speaking to one another.

Bringing out a spray bottle, they wet my hair, helping them get it straight.

I could feel a set of hands on either side of my head, pulling my hair into buns. Feeling a clip inserted, I waited patiently.

When they were done, they stood in front of me, their lips pursed. Tilting my head slightly, they nodded, before moving out of the way.

Looking at myself again, I covered my mouth, surprised.

They had pulled my hair into buns on the sides of my head, as well as braiding the hair underneath it, making it look ornate. On top of that, the bun on my right side had a pink lotus was placed inside the bun.

Looking at the women, I said "By the Sage... It's beautiful..."

They all grinned at me, before gesturing for me to exit the room.

As soon as I exited the room, I saw Kurenai walking out of her room.

Our eyes met, and both of us covered our mouths, to stunned to speak.

She was wearing a dress that hugged her breasts before spreading out at the waist. It was a deep red, making her eyes look like they were glowing. Although the dress was simple, when it was paired with her ruby eyes and her raven black hair that was pulled into a braid, she looked absolutely stunning.

She approached me, her eyes roaming my body. Seeing her look at me, her eyes filled with desire, I played the part of a noblewoman, making my eyes smile as I covered my mouth with the long, flowing sleeves of the kimono.

Moving closer, she looked at me, bringing her hand to my cheek.

"Koko... By the Sage, you are beautiful..."

Chuckling lightly, I tilted my head, saying "You are as well, Nai~"

I could see her swallowing, her gaze going from a loving, clear ruby to a raging inferno.

Smirking, I continued to hide my mouth. Hearing another door open, we turned to look at Anko.

She was wearing a simple purple kimono, the sash a deep red. However, instead of looking at the clothes, we were instead looking at her breasts, which were threading to spill out of her kimono. Seeing our gaze, she gave us a shy look, before pressing her arms together, accentuating them.

Giving her a dry look, I proceeded to ignore her, turning towards Etsuko. Smiling, I asked "So, how are we doing the pictures?"

Looking between the three of us, she nodded her head, a wide grin on her face. "Mmm... this is sure to make us beat that old witch Shiori. Ah, please stand in the middle, you first Miss Kokoro. Here, take this fan. You know how to use one, yes?"

Tilting my head, I flicked the fan open, covering my mouth. Seeing that, she smirked, before gesturing for me to stand in the center.

Moving towards the center, I took on various poses; some formal, some casual, and one that was a bit... seductive.

When I finished, Kurenai stepped up, doing what I did. They gave her some props, like a glass and a teacup.

Finally, Anko did only seductive poses, which I ignored, allowing her to do what she wanted. Though tonight...

Ignoring her again, I went back into the changing room, allowing them to continue dressing me.

The next outfit was a gray kimono, covered in white clouds that you wouldn't notice without looking closely. Paired with it was a simple tea set and my hair pulled into a simple braid, they had me act out a tea ceremony.

The other clothes that stood out was one more kimono and three Qipao's.

The kimono was a bright red, which accented my auburn hair and amber eyes. With gold trim, it looked regal, and as such they placed a gold fan ornament to hold up my ponytail. Additionally, they applied light makeup, making me look like I was a Daimyo's wife. Both Anko and Kurenai had trouble tearing their eyes off of me, trailing their gazes over my curves, which had been accented by the bright color.

The first Qipao was a white with silver trim, and made me look like a pure maiden. The sleeves were long and the bottom reached my ankles. It was slightly loose, hiding portions of my figure.

The second Qipao was an ornate yellow, with gold trim and phoenix's flying across the dress. It was sleeveless and form fitting, much to Anko's delight.

Finally, the last Qipao was the most... daring one I had worn. A simple black, it was sleeveless, had a large cut to reveal my leg, and had a portion of the chest open, revealing a large amount of my cleavage. Additionally, it was form fitting, and both Anko and Kurenai were drooling over me. If we weren't in public I swear they would have lunged at me, simply moving the fabric aside to ravish me.

In fact, Anko said she would be willing to pay for that Qipao, making the women chuckle and poke fun at me when I went crimson. Glaring at Anko, she licked her lips as she stared back, ignoring my gaze. Turning around, I didn't let her see the huge grin on my face.

Anko had a few good outfits as well.

One was a simple black kimono, with an elaborate silver pattern trim. She had asked if they could embroider a silver snake coiling somewhere on the kimono, making the women gasp and become extremely animated.

The next was a similar dress to the one Kurenai wore, except it was purple, and they had made her wear long, purple lace gloves. She seemed slightly uncomfortable in the dress, but both Kurenai and I forced her to get it. Seeing her blush slightly made it worth it.

Finally, she had a red qipao with orange flames licking up the bottom of the dress. It wasn't to revealing, but the mixture of form fitting and the bright colors made her large bust and wide hips stand out.

She seemed to be uncomfortable in most of the clothes though, preferring her overcoat and simple outfits, much to my dismay.

Lastly, Kurenai had three outfits as well as her initial red dress.

She had a grey kimono with red trim and a reed sash, which looked beautiful on her. The simplicity of the colors, paired with her raven hair and ruby eyes was perfect.

Next was another dress, this time an emerald green. It was a backless dress, and had slight frills on the lower section. The contrast between the green and her eyes made each stand out more, and when she blushed due to either Anko or my teasing, it was even more evident.

Finally, she had a simple cream qipao, which matched the normal dress she normally wore. Like my black qipao and Anko's flame qipao, it was form fitting and had a slit for her leg. She seemed to like it the most, if her wide smile was anything to go by.

Each outfit was paired with various poses and props, and after we finished we got to look at the photos they had taken.

We all asked for certain ones to be removed, and I almost had to demand most of Anko's be removed due to the amount of skin or her poses, but when I thought about being able to get those outfits for free...

Well, even though we didn't walk out of Ki Cloth with those outfits in some bags, they had promised to alter them to fit us better than they had when we tried them on.

However, before we left I pulled Etsuko to the side, asking her "Do you have any clothes for women during their pregnancy?"

Hearing that, she looked at me in shock, before glancing at my stomach. Chuckling at that, I shook my head, before saying "I'm not pregnant yet, but I may be soon... As will Kurenai. I would rather get the clothes now then later.."

Hearing that, Etsuko nodded. Whispering to me, she said "When we give you your scrolls with the clothes, I will put some maternity outfits in your scroll, for you and Kurenai. I wish you and her good luck. It is quite an experience..."

Chuckling, I bowed slightly towards her, before leaving.

"What were you and Miss Etsuko talking about?"

Hearing Anko's question, I said "Oh, just a last minute change, that's all."

Looking at me for a few more moments, she just nodded before walking away.


Bit long, but I had fun with it.

So, a few things.

One. We hit 150k Views and 550 Collections! Thank you all so much!

Two. The voting is quite close, with #6 beating #2 and #3 by a single vote. I like all three, so if it stays tied on Monday, I will repost all three and have a 24 hour revote, and use the one that wins then. So, if you wish to support one of those three, and voted for another, go like the one you prefer!

Three. I won't upload tomorrow most likely, as I am going out with some friends. Additionally, if I do upload, it will be a new book, which I advertised on 'My Servant System', so if you haven't read my other book, please go check it out!

I will say this though: I WILL NOT BE DROPPING THIS OR MY SERVANT SYSTEM. The new book will just be something I update every-once in awhile, so don't worry.

Anyways, thank you all so much, and I hope you continue to enjoy!
