Chapter 64: Basan (3)


Just wanted to start this chapter off with a thank you!

We hit 500K Views! That is absolutely insane! Half a Million valid views on one of my works is just... mind boggling!

I never really thought I'd get this far; I just thought that I would get a few thousand views on my writing, but here we are, 1.4 some odd thousand collections and half a million views...

Thank you so much!


My eyes went wide as I saw an absolutely massive fireball hurtling towards the Basan.

It was about double my height, and it had streaks of azure lightning crackling around its flaring surface.

I watched as it collided with the Basan, who was still surrounded by the strong gale it created moments prior.

However, the large fireball was simply fueled by the gale, increasing in size again before colliding with the Basan's green feathered body.

Letting out an ear piercing shriek, the Basan desperately flapped its wings, the gale turning into a hurricane as the winds easily snapped branches and uprooted shrubbery.

What was surprising was the light drizzle of rain that appeared, helping to put out the flames clinging to the Basan's body.

Landing besides Cameia, we nodded to one another as we both sent a flurry of attacks at the Basan.

Nocking arrow after arrow, I sent them spiraling into the open wound from our combination attack, frowning slightly as the arrows only stuck a fingers length into the Basan's iron like flesh.

As for Cameia, she swung her kama in intricate patters, the darkness chakra forming a seal before flickering out of existence.

I widened my eyes as the Basan was cut from every side, large blades of dark chakra appearing and slashing down into the Basan, gouging out chucks of its flesh.

That move made Cameia stumble, her kama hanging loosely by her side as she leaned against the tree trunk, her face pale and slick with sweat.

"Are you okay?"

Peeking over my shoulder as I sent another arrow shrieking through the air into the Basan's bleeding wounds.

"Y-Yeah... I-I'm fine..."

Her golden eyes were glued to mine as I stared at her, making me gulp as, for the first time ever, her face showed a singular emotion.


Panting, she intently stared at me, her gaze raking over my body before she screwed her eyes shut, taking deep, even breaths.

My heart caught in my throat, the mixture of her desire and chakra pressure washing over me, making my knees buckle slightly.

After a few moments, Cameia opened her eyes again, resuming her normal expressionless face.


"N-No... I-It's fine..."

She just tilted her head as she looked at me, before shakily getting to her feet.

Feeling my heart racing as she stared at me, I shook myself out of my trance, biting my cheek as I drew another arrow.

Why the hells was this woman getting me so worked up?!

Countless kunai and flaming senbon peppered the Basan, searing its flesh as lightning bolts periodically slammed into the Basan's body.

Coating her kama in darkness chakra again, Cameia stood next to me, sending crescents of chakra hurtling into the Basan, scoring deep gashes across previous wounds.

Surrounding my arrow in a slight amount of my wind chakra, I sent them whistling through the air, rewarded with them thunking into the beasts flesh.

The Basan unfurled its feathers, roaring as the hurricane around it grew in size.

Widening my eyes, I stumbled to the side, into Cameia as the winds grew stronger.

Wrapping me in her arms, Cameia dropped us to the ground, her chakra swirling around us as it sheltered us from the storm.

My face was buried in her ample chest, and I blushed furiously as her muscular arms held me close.

Dragging me behind the trunk, she leaned my back against the tree, one hand on the trunk, the other wrapped around my waist.

Peering around the tree, she observed the rampaging beast before looking down at me, leaning closer.


Her cold, calm voice sent shivers down my spine, and I gulped as her golden eyes held mine in a trance.

"What is this feeling..."

Her hand clenched my waist, and I stifled a moan as she loomed over me, tilting her head as she asked "Kokoro?"

"C-Cameia... S-S-Space!"

Narrowing her eyes at me, Cameia peered around the tree again before shaking her head.


I shuddered, my heart racing as she raked her gaze over me again.

"Hmm... We should..."

Placing her free hand on my neck, I shuddered at her cold touch, only to gasp as her chakra seeped into my body, siphoning some out.

The feeling of her glacial chakra invading my body made me tremble, and I watched in slight horror as she removed her hand from my neck, looking down at my green tinged wind chakra trapped in a small cage of darkness chakra.

She nodded at the orb, before giving me a nod as well.

Releasing me, she turned around the trunk, chucking the orb towards the Basan.

Catching my breath, I glanced towards the beast, only to shudder as Cameia pulled me back, shaking her head.

Before I could ask what she was doing, a large boom shook the earth, a chilling breeze flowing form outside the clearing.

Following the boom, the Basan shrieked and shrieked, making Cameia nod to herself again.

"Now, I want an answer. Why am I feeling so... warm?"

Keeping me in her arms, Cameia used one hand to grip my chin, lifting my head to meet her solid gaze.

I trembled, my body hot as she clung to me, her head close to mine.

"I-I do-don't know..."

"Why are you lying?"

I shuddered again, biting my lip as she narrowed her eyes, displeased.


My tense muscles relaxed as I heard Rekyses beside us, prompting Cameia to release me.

Turning to the Tempest Priestess, Cameia asked "Why does Kokoro make me feel warm?"

The normally serious Rekyses let out a chuckle, shaking her head as she turned away.

"Find out yourselves."

Cameia looked back at me, only to turn away, following behind Rekyses as they approached the writhing body of the Basan.

Anko and Kurenai appeared beside me, worry in their eyes as they asked "What's wrong?"

I shook my head, gulping as I said "N-Nothing..."

Why was my body acting like this?

Sure, Cameia was incredibly attractive, with those golden eyes of hers making me feel like prey beneath a cold predator, and sure the way she held me made me feel safe, but what the hell!?

Panting slightly, I felt a heat flush my system as I remembered her desire as she stared at me.

Shuddering, I gave Anko a heated gaze, saying "I need you when we return..."

Was I just... in need of some more... rough treatment?

Anko smirked at me, her hand squeezing below my waist before letting me go, entering the clearing with the two Priestess'.

Trembling on the ground in the center of the clearing was the withering body of the Basan, its feathers scattered around the clearing as they turned to dust.

Cameia and Rekyses stood cautiously near the Basan, their weapons readied and coated in their potent chakra.

Drawing my new sword, I looked at the large chicken creature with narrowed eyes, watching as it glared weakly at us, clucking quietly as we approached.

Rekyses turned to look at me, asking "Do you wish to do the honors?"

She pointed her blade at the beasts neck, and I nodded, walking forwards.

As I got closer the Basan glared more at me, its blue eyes shining with rage as it snapped its beak feebly at me.

Coating my sword in wind chakra, I raised the blade high above my head, before swinging it down on the Basan's thick neck.

However, as I was about to sever its neck, the Basan opened its beak wide, a blue glow glittering in its gullet as it looked at me triumphantly.
