Chapter 75: Discussions with Asa and Shiba

"Intriguing... so, you can sense nature energy that easily..."

I tilted my head in confusion, staring at Asa's golden eyes.

"Do others have trouble with it?"

She nodded, lifting her wing and pointing at the distant Mount Myoboku.

"The current contractor of the toads can only sense the energy when the two Toad Sages are on his shoulders... It is quite the feat, young Kokoro."

My eyes went wide, realizing that I had done something that even the legendary Jiraiya struggled with.

However, even as I turned my attention back to the air around us, I could barely feel the warmth of the nature energy in our surroundings, and I definitely couldn't control it.

"Well, there is much we need to discuss. Everyone else, go back to what you were doing."

The other Hawks all let out caws, before spreading their wings and flying away, down onto the Mountain.

Returning her gaze to me, Asa sighed before saying "Kokoro, nature energy is very dangerous. If your body absorbs to much of it... well, a few of our clan members were originally humans..."

"Wait... 'originally' humans? What does that mean?"

Sighing again, Asa looked away, answering with a low, sad voice.

"When a person absorbs too much nature energy, it can... change them, reshape them, from human to animal. Depending on who teaches you, and where you are, the animal varies. Here on Mount Hane, you become a Hawk; in Shikkotsu Forest, you are most likely to become a slug. However, for us animals, if we absorb too much nature energy, we turn to stone. It is both a blessing and a curse, which is why many prevent their clans from trying to harness the power of nature energy."

"How strong is it?"

Returning her gaze to Mount Myoboku, Asa said "That towering Mountain, the lush, verdant forests of Shikkotsu, and the winding caverns of Ryuchi Caves were all created from the first Toads, Slugs, and Snakes that used nature energy. They completely changed the landscape of this world, and they did it completely. The chakra that gathers in those locations is different from everywhere else; it's more potent, purer."

"That strong? Being able to reshape an entire landscape permanently..?"

Asa nodded, looking towards Shiba.

"However, that was the pinnacle of control; the founders of those clans were one with the world, giving them the ability to do that. Nowadays, nature energy gives you a stronger life-force, meaning you get physically stronger and live longer, and it helps keep you chakra under control, making most illusions worthless. But, you need to train with it, just like chakra. Just because you can sense it doesn't mean you can wield it properly."

I nodded at the Green Hawk, understanding his point.

Sensing chakra was relatively easy; after all, it coursed through your body, and when someone used a technique with it, you could feel it in the air. It had a unique feeling for everyone, but once you felt it, you knew what it was.

I could remember the first time I felt chakra inside of my body; we had been training in the Academy, and our Sensei had explained the basics of chakra, and told us how we could channel it.

I spent all day and night trying to feel it when my father had asked me what I was doing. When he heard the explanation, he took me outside and showed me a basic wind jutus.

The feeling of the cold, sharp chakra as it sliced through the air made me shiver, but it wasn't due to the chill or from fear...

Instead, it was from a desire to replicate what my father had done.

That night I managed to sense the chakra in my body, and I had been so excited that I woke my father up after he fell asleep, much to his slight annoyance.

Chuckling slightly, I sighed as I leaned against a rock, keeping my focus on the energy in the air.

"How does one use nature energy?"

Asa and Shiba exchanged glances, before Shiba shrugged.

"Just like chakra; you pull it into your body from your surroundings, and allow it to merge with your chakra. Remember, too much and you will start transforming into an animal, and too little and nothing happens. It's a fine balance, but once achieved it changes you forever. When chakra and natural energy mix, it's called Senjutsu Chakra, or Sage Mode. However, you need abnormal amounts of chakra and a strong body to even attempt this."

Frowning, I asked "I guess I'm not near that 'abnormal' range?"

Asa shook her head, before adding "Well, you're not far off... Healing a soul wound increases your reserves, and..."

Stopping, it felt like she was pursing her lips in contemplation as she stared at the ground.

"If you manage to bond well with a Hawk, likely you can 'add' their chakra to yours, meaning you only need to have a strong body to attempt to enter Sage Mode."

"Easier said than done. After all, thats a large risk for both of us."

Asa nodded, fixing me with her gaze.

"Anyways, you need to rest now. You know the summoning seal, correct?"


"Good. Whenever you want, you can come visit. Otherwise..."

Looking at a boulder off to the side, Asa sighed.

"Meigetsu, what are you doing?"

Shiba also turned, watching as a smaller Hawk hopped out from behind the boulder.

Beautiful black feathers with an undertone of blue, sharp blue eyes, and a sleek black beak.

"M-Mama... I-I just wanted to s-see the H-Human..."

Even with her sharper appearance, the young Meigetsu sounded shy and reserved, her voice tiny as she stared at the golden Asa.

"Hello! Meigetsu, yes? My names Kokoro!"

"Ah..! U-Uhm... N-Nice t-to meet y-you..."

The pitch black Hawk bowed her head, refusing to meet my gaze.

"Hah... please don't mind her, she's incredibly shy... where she gets it from..?"

Asa muttered to herself, but her eyes were filled with warmth as she stared at her daughter.

"Mei-Mei, was there something you wanted with the Human? Or were you just curious?"

Meigetsu looked over at Shiba, shaking her small head rapidly.

"J-Just c-curious..."

Chuckling, Shiba nodded at her, watching with mirth as Meigetsu hopped away, peeking behind herself every few steps.

Once she was gone, I said "Meigetsu means 'full moon', right?"

Asa nodded, covering her beak with her wing as she said "Well, she hatched under a full moon, so..."

I chuckled, before getting to my feet.

Stretching out my body, I bowed slightly to the two Hawks, saying "Thank you for this, Asa, Shiba. I'll be back soon enough, even if its just to chat."

"We look forward to it, Kokoro! Take care!"

Making the handsigns for the summoning seal, I pressed my right hand against the ground, smoke crowding around me before...

I found myself back in the small yard outside our temporary housing, standing in front of the stump I was sitting on.

Sighing, I stared up at the moon, going over everything that just happened.

It was a lot, and the day had been long.

Gently touching my right arm, I winced at the numbness, making me sigh again.

Yawning, I made my way inside, seeing Cameia sitting at the table, a dagger laying before her.

She was quietly running a small stone along the edge, sharpening it, staring intently at the blade.

Even as I entered the house, she remained focused on the dagger, making me smirk.

Creeping forwards, I stood behind her, before wrapping my arms around her neck, laying my chin on her shoulder.

"Whatcha doing, Cameia~?"

She stiffened slightly, before relaxing as she turned her golden eyes towards me.

"I was waiting for you."

I gulped as I heard that, my heart racing under her ever steady golden gaze.

"Were you..?"

She nodded, tilting her head slightly in confusion.

Coughing lightly, I stood up, only to yelp as she appeared behind me, scooping me into her arms.

"You need to rest."

Hearing that now familiar line yet again, I pouted up at her.

"Fine. Hmph..."

Turning my gaze away, I looked around the room as Cameia carried me towards the bedroom, noticing a lack of Anko and Kurenai.

"Where'd the other two go?"

"Anko wanted to hunt, so Kurenai went with her."

I nodded, before freezing.

Wait wait wait...

Doesn't that mean..?

As Cameia laid me on the bed, my heart sped faster and faster.

We were alone...

Would she..?

No no, Cameia's not like that!

But back in the forest...

Shaking my head, I watched as Cameia laid down beside me, wrapping her arms around my waist.


I shuddered as I felt her breath on the nape of my neck, before nodding.

Screwing my eyes shut, I tried to fall asleep, but...

How in the blazing hells was I to fall asleep like this!?