Chapter 82: Returning Home (2)

The journey through the Lands of Fang and claw were surprisingly peaceful; the only difference from our initial journey through them was that parts of the forest was scorched, evidence of the war the two nations had fought.

Just like before, we stopped to look over the rain covered Amegakure, the dark clouds and steel industrial village looming in the distance.

Sighing, we all adjusted our ponchos, trying our best to cover our eyes from the raindrops that spattered against our bodies.

"Damn rain... hah, it must be depressing living here..."

I nodded, still looking over the large walls and giant lake beside the village.

Where could we..?

I really didn't want to go through Amegakure again; that bluenette was scary, especially those hard amber eyes of hers...

Besides that, even with Cameia I doubt we could fight an entire village, especially one that we were now certain held multiple S-Ranked Shinobi.

Cameia might be as strong, if not stronger than Lord Hiruzen, but against unknown opponents...

There is no need to risk our lives just to return home.

"Is the mountain still unscalable?"

Kurenai looked towards the sheer cliff face, pursing her lips.

"From this side we might just be able to climb it..."

Cameia pointed towards a part of the mountain, saying "That area there is stepped; we should be able to jump up each level and eventually reach the top."

Observing the area she pointed out, we all nodded, pulling our cloaks on further before sneaking our way towards the mountain, staying far from Amegakure's tall steel walls.

Sticking to the little brush that dotted the landscape, we eventually reached the giant mountain, each of us pulling out our blades.

"Well, here goes..."

Anko crouched down, staring intently at the rock face before leaping upwards, almost reaching the small flat area a hundred some odd feet above us.

Digging her dagger into the side of the mountain, Anko threw herself onto the ledge, peering back down at us with a smirk.

"She's such a showoff..."

Kurenai nodded, before mirroring Anko, crouching low and springing upwards.

She didn't reach as high as Anko, mainly due to her weaker body, but she managed to easily continue up using two kunai.

"Alright, I'm next..."

Crouching, I was about to spring up when Cameia lifted me onto her shoulders, saying "You're still injured, so no."

"C-Cameia! I can do this much!"


Taking a breath, Cameia sprung into the air, landing softly on the ledge beside Anko, who was frowning slightly.


Kurenai rolled her eyes, before springing to the next ledge.

Much to my chagrin, Cameia continued to carry me up the mountain, only letting me go when we reached the summit.

Finally setting me down on the mountain, I pouted at Cameia, who tilted her head in mild confusion.

"What? You are injured, and as such you should not be straining yourself."

Stamping my foot slightly, my pout deepened as I said 'I'm not made of porcelain Cameia! I can jump just fine!"

However, the taller woman simply shook her head, staring down at me silently.

Letting out a 'Hmph!' I walked away, slightly miffed and slightly touched by her actions.

Anko walked behind me, and I didn't even need to turn to see her smirk.

"Oh~ Is Kokoro upset that Cameia wants to care for you~? Hmm~?"



"I'll get Kurenai to-"


She walked away, pouting at me as she nuzzled against Kurenai, trying to keep our raven haired wife in her good books.

Chuckling at that, I led us past Aemgakure, making sure we were also hidden from any Iwa Shinobi that may be above us.

Thankfully we managed to reach the other side of Amegakure with no problems, sliding back down the mountain and stepping back onto the main road.

Making sure we were heading the right way, we started running towards north, or more specifically the Land of Grass.

The border between the Land of Fire and Land of Rain was tighter and more patrolled, much to risky.

However, the Land of Grass was more... subdued.

After all, they were more of a farming land than anything else, preferring to deal in grain and vegetables than blood and iron.

Reaching the long, flowing plains of the Land of Grass, we continued our journey, now out of the perpetual downpour and into the beating sun.

As we ran, we passed by a few farms and caravans, making sure to steer clear of them as we made our way towards the border.

Passing by another farm, we frowned as we smelt smoke, and...


Glancing at one another, we moved a little closer, wondering what was going on.

Staying far enough away to not alert anyone, we stared towards a burning village, the inhabitants cowering in the town square.

"Damn bandits..."

Hearing Anko growl, I nodded, watching on in distaste as a large group of men walked around, stacking crates into a few wagons.

As we watched them pillage the buildings, Kurenai gasped, saying "Look there!"

Turning our gazes towards where she pointed, Anko and I also let out gasps.

Even from here we could see the glowing red hair that a woman and her daughter had, shivering as they knelt before a few of the men.

"By the Sage..."


Cameia was confused, but Anko, Kurenai and I knew how rare that hair was, and what it symbolized.

"That's a near extinct clan of people... how the hell did they..?"

Anko shook her head, glaring at the man as he lifted the woman to her feet, slicing her shirt clean off.

"Alright, we can save them yes? I mean their Uzumaki's!"

Another Uzumaki...

Two, actually...

Honestly, I thought Naruto and Lady Tsunade were the last ones alive...

If we could save them, maybe...

Maybe, just maybe the once most feared clan could rise again...

I nodded at Anko, following behind her as she stared stealthily running towards the farm.

As we approached we heard the men jeer, all watching the buxom woman desperately try to conceal herself, all while also trying to make sure none of them went for her daughter.

Eventually she gave up, lowering her arms and letting out a low yelp as one of the men grabbed her chest, preparing to take her in the open.

"Haha~! Who'd a thought we'd find such a beaut here in the countryside lads!"

He smirked at the woman, who was clenching her eyes shut, preparing for what was about to happen.

"Come on, we'll treat you nice~! Lemme see those pretty crimson eyes of yours!"

However, she didn't open her eyes, making the man snarl at her, his hand landing a crisp slap on her face.

Her daughter, who looked around Naruto's age, let out a scream, tears staining her face as she watched the man slap her mother again.

"I said open your eyes, bit-"

Sadly for the man, a kunai was lodged in his throat before he could finish, and the other bandits fell silent.

The farmers screamed at the sight of blood, while the Uzumaki girl watched with wide eyes, the tears stopping.

Opening her eyes, the mother covered her mouth as she watched the bandit slump to the ground, dead.

Taking another two kunai, I sent them flying towards the bandits, watching in slight amusement as Anko eviscerated any that were unlucky enough to be in her way.

Kurenai slit another ones throat, while Cameia slammed one of her Kama down onto another skull, shattering it.

The last one charged at me, shouting in anger and fright as he tried to swing his sword down onto my head.

Stepping forwards, I grabbed his wrist, stopping the sword.

Grinning at him, I clenched my fist, shattering the bone before grinding it to dust, making the man scream in agony.

Dropping to his knees, he stared at me in horror, only to let out a cry as I slammed my fist into his cheek, spinning his head around and getting rewarded with a loud snap.

Silence fell in the square, and the woman finally tried to cover her large breasts.

"W-W-Who are you?!"

An old man stepped forwards, shakily glaring at us as we turned to him.

"Doesn't matter. You; does the name Ashina ring any bells?"

The woman's eyes went wide, before she tried to shake her head.

Stepping towards her, I positioned myself so that my hand was out of view of the others as I flashed my hitai-ate to her, making her gasp.

Leaning forwards, I whispered "I know you are Uzumaki; that's why we saved you. Kushina's son, Naruto Uzumaki, is still alive in Konoha. Would you..?"

She gulped, glancing back towards her young daughter, who was staring at us in awe.

"W-Will she... be protected? Safe..?"

I nodded; Konoha was still the safest village by far in the Elemental Nations, and if we covered up their hair so that people didn't know they were Uzumaki...

"Yes, she will. You can live in our compound as 'servants', and as long as you dye your hair or conceal it, no one will know any better."

That made her tremble, her eyes conflicted before she nodded again.

"Very well... we'll go. Anything for her..."

Smiling gently at her, I turned back towards the old man, glaring at him.

"You're safe now, but we'll be taking them."

Without letting him say anything I threw my cloak over her, before Cameia came over and led her away, Kurenai taking her daughter.

Leaving the small settlement, we ran a short distance away before stopping, allowing the two to rest and recover.


Anko approached me, staring at the two redheads.

Chuckling, I shrugged.

"We'll dye their hair and introduce them to Lord Third... maybe. The less who know, the better..."

"Even if it's a secret kept from the Hokage?"

I nodded, still staring at the woman and her daughter, who were huddled beside Kurenai, munching on some jerky.

"Some things are best kept hidden from all..."

She nodded, before asking "We're housing them then?"

"Yes. We can claim that their natives from the Land of Demons if need be, but honestly I doubt dye will conceal much from Jonin... Anyways, Cameia should draw more attention..."

Anko nodded again, before sighing.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she glanced at me as she said "This just got a whole lot more complicated..."