Chapter 90: Danzo

The room fell dead silent, everyone staring at Danzo as the man froze.

However, I trusted my wife, and it seemed that Kakashi did as well, but...

"Cameia, keep him alive, but remove those eyes!"

Without responding she flickered forwards, and before Danzo could even attempt to move, his arm was laying on the table, and Cameia's hand was grabbing his right eye, the old man letting out a scream as she yanked it from his skull.

Tossing the crimson eye beside the arm, we all gasped as the arm bled not scarlet blood, but white medical fluids...

Which seemed rather familiar...

Pushing Danzo to his knees, Cameia secured the man before glancing at me.

Nodding, I stood up and unclothed the severed arm, grimacing at the dozen some odd eyes that stared back at me.

Besides the many Sharingan that were embedded on it, the arm itself was paper white, and the shoulder bled that white liquid.

"What in the blazing hells..."

Tsume stood up, before glaring at the grimacing Danzo.

"What is the meaning of this!? Why do you have so many Sharingan!?"

He sneered, spitting on the floor in front of us.

Growling, Tsume was about to lunge at the man when Shikaku said "Tsume. Please. If he wants to have secrets..."

A rare grin appeared on the lazy mans face, and I shivered slightly.


The Yamanaka Patriarch stood up, making Danzo frown slightly.


Standing up, Hiruzen held out his hands and sighed.

"Let us see if he wants to explain to us fir-"

"Respectfully, Lord Hokage, this is not the time to be soft; what has been revealed to us now is that this man has had a hand in the Uchiha Massacre. He is not your friend, nor is he an elder of this village anymore; he is a terrorist and a threat that needs to be eliminated. Inoichi."

We all stared at Hiashi in surprise, before Tsume, Inoichi, Choza, Shikaku, Shibi Aburame, and the other Clan Heads nodded, making Hiruzen sighed before collapsing into his chair.

"I was going to stop Danzo from leaving, since the Root member we caught..."

Gesturing to the door, I watched as Anko retrieved the Aburame man, making Shibi frown.

"Was an Aburame, so who knows who he had captured and forced into service, but now..."

The others nodded, staring at the armless man in disgust.

Stepping forwards, Inoichi crouched in front of the elderly man, a small smile on his lips as he said "Nothing personal Danzo; like you've told me before..."

Placing his fingers on the mans head, Inoichi's eyes shone green, before Danzo went slack.

"It's just business."

Closing his own eyes, Inoichi fell silent, and we waited for his Mind Technique to take affect.

Meanwhile, Shibi approached the Aburame Root agent, frowning as he stared down at him.

"He looks... familiar. But I can't place it..."

Continuing to stare at the man, he eventually sighed before standing back up, nodding to me.

"Thank you, Miss Kokoro, for bringing this to light."

He returned to his seat, staring over at the kneeling, slouched Danzo.

Danzo's tongue lolled out the side of his mouth, and his remaining eye rolled around loosely in his skull.

Trying to resist any of Inoichi's Mind Techniques would prove to be nigh impossible when you are unprepared for it; to try and combat the mans skill in picking apart your mind would be akin to trying to suddenly stop a flood with little more than a few sticks and a rock.

We watched in silence as Danzo spasmed, frothing slightly at the mouth before falling completely limp.

"Now, answer my questions. Understood?"

"Y... Y-Yes..."

His voice was hollow and emotionless.

"How did you get that arm?"

"O... Orochi..."

Anko growled, her eyes flaring as she stared at Danzo.

Looking back at her, Inoichi just shook his head before turning back to Danzo.

"What about the Sharingan? Where did you get those?"

Taking in a shuddering breath, Danzo stuttered "H... H-Helped make... Itachi kill... S-Stole... their bodies..."

We all let out low growls at that, only to continue to listen as Inoichi asked another question.

"What about Root? Where did you get the recruits?"

"O... Orphans... B-Blackmail Clans... to g-get th-the unwanted... unneeded... children..."

Now the Clan Heads frowned, wondering who among their members would give away their children, even if they were blackmailed.

"What were you planning to use the Root for?"

"Ap-Apply pressure... on H-Hiruzen... force... retire... take over... Konoha..."

Now it was Hiruzen's turn to frown, unbelieving that his old friend wanted to force his retirement.

"Did you have a hand in more than just the Uchiha's fall? Did you attempt to weaken or destroy other Clans?"

"S-Senju... Tsunade's l-lover... Dan... brother too... force her to leave..."

Everyone was incensed at that; the Senju were our founders, just like the Uchiha. However, to know that he had had a hand in their downfall...

"H... Hatake too... f-forced Sakumo into... corner..."

He continued to list his misdeeds; killing Shishui Uchiha, dealing with Orochimaru, forcing dozens of Shinobi to do his dirty work before having them removed, weakening the Clans, selling some intel to other Villages for a premium...

His list of sins against Konoha was longer than any of us could believe, nor wanted to believe.

Many here considered Danzo to be an ally; not a friend, but a solid tactician and staunch believer in making Konoha the strongest Village in the Shinobi world.

And yet, his actions were counterintuitive to that end; he weakened our greatest assets in the Clans, forced and killed many promising Shinobi, and acted as little more than a petulant child, lashing out when he didn't get what he wanted.

Throughout the interrogation Hiruzen slumped further and further into his chair, his eyes slightly hollow as he listened to Danzo's horrific actions.

When Inoichi had run out of chakra, he released the technique from Danzo before placing a chakra sealing tag on him, binding him sufficiently.

"I'll continue this later... for now..."

Turning towards me, he bowed slightly, and the other Clan Heads did as well.

"Thank you; even if you didn't mean to, you helped this Village remove such a large, yet hidden stain."

I bowed back, before gesturing to Anko, Cameia, and Kurenai in the secret room.

"Honestly, I did all this for me and my family; I had no idea that his deeds were so... dark. So, on that note, I will be returning home with them... I leave this all in your more capable hands."

They all nodded again, staring at the unconscious Danzo.

Gathering my family together, we all bowed again before exiting the meeting room, leaving the Clan Heads to deal with this gigantic mess.

I sure as hell wasn't going to be helpful; all I could suggest would be ways to torture the man before locking him up in a coffin for the rest of his miserable life.

What I was more worried about was making sure Anko, Cameia, Kurenai, Makoto, and Karin were not only safe, but happy.

I could care less about the politics of running a village, nor did I care what was done to Danzo now.

More important things were on my mind...

Like whether or not I should stop by the Nara Compound to find some medicine to 'improve my odds' with something...



Probably; but realistic.

The man would be unprepared for a sudden Mind Reading; I mean, he's been doing this for DECADES now...

Anyways, yup, that's done and dusted...

Time for some good ole slice of life till Kokoro becomes a teacher at the Academy!
