Chapter 93: Ragtag Training Squad

Kurenai and I made our way back home after that, both extremely excited to start teaching.

I was really excited, as not only was it something new, but I'd be dealing with the older kids as well; I'd rather deal with them, since they already have the beginnings of a foundation rather than from complete scratch.

Besides that, I was also happy because I would be teaching Naruto each year until he graduated; that was another three years from now.

I was intrigued on how the young Uzumaki would develop.

So, when we got back home, I was beyond surprised to see the odd sight of Naruto standing between a glaring Hinata and a glowering Karin, the two young girls staring daggers at one another as they held an arm each.

"NO, he's playing with ME!"

"Na-Naruto is training with ME today!"

Each girl felt like they were surrounded with a deadly energy, and for a moment I thought I saw a flaming tiger behind Hinata and a roaring earthen bear behind Karin.

Growling softly at one another, Kurenai and I exchanged surprised glances before chuckling, making the three kids jump.

Karin stormed over to me, her still dyed hair bouncing as she pointed at Hinata, asking "Why is she here?!"

As for Hinata, she made her way to Kurenai, pointing at Karin as she said "Who's that brat?!"


Hearing one another, the two girls stomped towards the other, their eyes narrowed as they sneered.

About to step forwards, I stopped as I watched Naruto step forwards, his hands raised.

"Come on now guys... we can play AND train at the same time! So... please be nice?"

The two girls retracted their very dangerous auras, smiling sweetly at a sweating Naruto.

However, before he could sigh in relief, the two girls pointed at the other and said ""As long as SHE'S not there!""

Their eyes widened as they heard the other repeat them, locking back into a glaring match.

Naruto seemed helpless, his pure blue eyes flickering between them before he cried out "Aunty! Help me!"

Running to my side, the orange clothed trickster staring up at me with pleading eyes.

Looking over at the confused Kurenai, I raised a brow as I asked "What?"

Stepping closer, the raven haired woman whispered "This is the most outgoing I've ever seen Hinata..."

Smirking at Naruto, who was staring at the two angry girls, I whispered back "Well, protecting what's 'hers' would do that wouldn't it?"

Kurenai chuckled, nodding.

"Yeah, I guess it would."

Watching the two girls escalate from glaring to grappling, Kurenai and I swiftly moved forwards and lifted them up, Karin for me and Hinata for Kurenai.

Turning them so that they couldn't see each other, I crouched in front of Karin and asked "Why can't you just... all play together?"

Pursing her lips, the angry Uzumaki narrowed her crimson eyes as she said "Cause she was a meanie!"

Holding back a chuckle at that, I asked "How?"

Puffing her cheeks, Karin crossed her arms with a 'hmph', saying "She told me that since I was a child, I should just sit and watch as she and Naruto trained! I'm taller than her!"

Finding her puffed cheeks adorable, I had to resit the urge to reach forwards and pinch them, taking a deep breath as I said "So why can't you two make up? You both can train and play TOGETHER with Naruto. Besides, you'll learn to be a Shinobi better if you train as a group."

Pouting, she slumped her shoulders slightly before sighing, saying "Fine... I guess I could try..."

Patting her shoulders, I looked towards Kurenai and saw that she was finished with Hinata, the young Hyuga Heiress letting out a low sigh.

Turning Karin around, I watched as she held back a sneer as she walked towards Hinata, holding out her hand as she said "Are we good?"

Hinata stared at the hand with slight disdain before stiffly nodding, clasping the Uzumaki girls hand.

However, I could see Karin wince as Hinata exerted a little pressure on the girls hand, making me sigh.

Really, a girls jealousy can be such a petty, harsh thing to behold.

Karin ignored that, letting Hinata's hand go as she turned towards Naruto with a wide grin.

"Come on! Let's go!"

She rushed to his side, wrapping her arms around his.

Seeing that, Hinata's face turned glacial before she mirrored Karin, latching onto the boys other arm.

However, a moment later she turned crimson as she realized what she was doing, but she kept her arms firmly locked around his arm.

Kurenai and I let out a laugh, making the two girls pout at us before glaring at one another.

"Alright you two, play nice. Kurenai, could you go get something light made for lunch? I'll start with them..."

She nodded at me, before saying "Seriously, be nice you two. You won't always be able to choose who you work with, so try and get along!"

They reluctantly nodded to her, before walking over towards me, still wrapped around Naruto.

"Alright, let's go out back. I'll get each of you doing something..."

They nodded again, following behind me as I led them towards the sandy pit behind the house.

Reaching the now familiar training grounds, Naruto stared at me in excitement, wondering what we would be doing.

"Alright; Naruto, I want you to go through your sparring practices with Hinata for a few minutes. Karin, please don't try to hit her!"

Grabbing the feisty Uzumaki, I sighed before saying "Karin-"

"No fair! Why does she get to train?! Huh?!"

The young girl was glaring up at me with indignant red eyes, making me sigh.

"Karin, you need to unlock your chakra first. Once you have it unlocked, THEN you can start sparring with them. Alright?"

Hearing the word 'chakra', the young girl forgot all about her new rival as she stared at me with excitement.

As for Hinata, she was wearing a smug smile as she stared at the girls back, before smiling sweetly at Naruto, her cheeks reddening.

"C-Come on N-Naruto..."

He nodded, moving a little bit away before dropping into a stance.

Mirroring him, Hinata launched herself forwards, sending her thin leg out towards his head.

Keeping an eye on their spar, I sat in front of Karin and had her sit down, saying "Close your eyes and focus. Try and feel the chakra that I'll push into you."

Nodding fervently, Karin screwed her eyes shut, her features evening out as she sat before me.

Placing my hand on her midriff, I gently pushed a small amount of chakra into her stomach, the girl letting out a low gasp.

"Can you feel it?"


Seeing her nod again, I smiled slightly at how quickly she could sense the chakra.

"Good. Now try and grab it; control it."

Scrunching her features, she grit her teeth slightly as I continued pushing chakra into her, and I could feel a small tug on the thin strands that entered her body.

Loosening my own control on the chakra, I continued observing it as it swirled around in her body, my smile growing as I felt her tug at it some more.

However, a few moments later the girl let out a groan, and the chakra in her body was pushed out.

Smiling wryly at her disappointed expression, I pat her shoulder as I said "You did well Karin; I've never really heard of anyone awakening their chakra on the first try."

She gave me a small smile, before taking a deep breath.


Seeing her determination, I smiled at her and nodded, placing my hand back on her midriff.