Chapter 98: Meeting My Class (2)

Watching Kurenai leave, I stared at the girls with a smile, before saying "Alright, so like you heard earlier, my names Kokoro Kanei; you can call me Miss Kokoro or Kokoro-Sensei, either works.

Some things about me, since we'll be stuck together for the next few years; I'm a Special-Jonin, and I've been serving the village faithfully for over a decade now. I fought in the last war, so I've seen what unprepared Shinobi end up as; because of that, I will be hard on you, but know that it is coming from a place of love, not hate.

I will be teaching you girls the things needed and expected of a Kunoichi, but honestly our time together will be more me helping you on whatever you need rather than anything cultural or stuff like that; not only is it boring, but nowadays it's rather unneeded, since stealth techniques are advancing so much.

Our time together will be used so that I can shape you into better Shinobi, and hopefully, you can all stand shoulder to shoulder, or even above, the boys in your class. Being a Shinobi is a physical job, and the boys have an advantage in that regard. Accept that, and train your ass off to be better than them.

Besides that, I'll be your Kenjutsu and Taijutsu teacher, which means most of our time together will be out here, on this field; rain or shine, we will be going over the basics of combat.

Any questions? They can be personal or about class; I don't care."

The blonde Yamanaka Heir raised her hand, and I said "Ino, correct?"

Nodding, the blonde girl with pale green eyes asked "What is your relationship with Kurenai-Sensei?"

All the other girls nodded, leaning forwards with curiosity writ clearly on their faces.

However, Hinata was smiling as she waited, making me chuckle.

"We're lovers; she and Anko Mitarashi have proposed to me, and I have accepted. I also have a wife from the Land of Demons. We're all in a polyamorous relationship, meaning we are all married to one another."

That made a few girls gasp, and one, a girl with curly orange hair and a shuriken keeping some together, asked "How are you all married to each other? Isn't there jealousy between you?"

I nodded, chuckling as I said "Yeah, sometimes they can all get... fierce. But, I've made my stance clear, and I love each one equally, and they all love me and each other."

Sakura stepped forwards, her jade green eyes curious as she asked "But why are four women all together?"

Raising a brow, I looked over the group as I asked "Do you all know what a futa is?"

Some nodded, while others, like Sakura, shook their heads.

Sighing, I pursed my lips as I decided to take the plunge into this topic.

"You know one of the main differences between boys and girls? How boys have something dangling between their legs and girls don't? Thats called a penis, and some girls have one as well; that makes them a futa."

Another girl stepped forwards, her short purple hair glistening in the sun as she said "Oh, my mom told me about that! She said that's why she was able to have me while married to her best friend!"

Quickly putting a name to her face, I said "Well Ami, do you think you could explain it to some of your friends? Some are still confused..."

I would rather they all speak about it to one another...

Was a little...

Weird, having this conversation with kids.

As the young purple haired girl explained it in kids terms to the other girls, I took in the other girls, making sure I could say there names if they talked to me.

There was Hinata that I knew personally.

Sakura with the light pink hair and thin build.

Ino with the long blonde hair and purple clothes.

Then there was a girl named Tenten with two buns in her brown hair, wearing a white qipao.

There was Ami, who I had just asked to explain everything to the others.

Orange curly head was Kasumi, and she had a more rounded figure, which I would need to determine if it was a detriment or not to her training.

A girl with a bandaged nose and mean expression stood off to the side with spiky wine red hair was Fuki.

The tall girl with short light brown hair was Ika, and she had cold black eyes as she listened to the energetic Ami.

Beside Ika was her twin sister, Aki, thankfully not identical; she had long black hair and pale hazel eyes, and she was smiling warmly as she listened on.

Finally, there was a shy girl with glasses standing on the edge of the group, Midori, her short bob cut green hair framing her pale face.

That was my class; ten unique girls, each with different strengths and weaknesses, different backgrounds, different dreams.

Looking over them, I smiled to myself as I nodded, wondering what the future had in store for me with this class.

Would they grow into some of the greatest Shinobi this village had ever seen?

Maybe one or two would rival the Sannin; maybe one would become Hokage?

Only time would tell...


All but three are in the anime; Ika, Aki, and Midori are my own characters.

Fuki, Kasumi, and Ami are all in the original anime inside flashbacks, so you can find them on Narutopedia.

Which brings out the entire class; I will be focusing on these girls and the main boys in the class; I might throw in an original boy here and there, but Kokoro will be focusing on her own class more often than not, so these are your characters for the foreseeable future.

I already have Kokoro's Genin Squad decided on as well; I've had it for a long, long time...

Anyways yeah, here we come Academy!
