Chapter 183: Time Well Spent

"You sure you don't want to do something else? I mean, this is a surprise vacation and all, but still... You're just going to spend it at home?"

I smiled at the frowning man standing in front of me; Iruka was a tad confused at my choice to just... head home after the sudden announcement that the school was going to be closed for today, the Hokage wanting to implement some changes suddenly that required the building to be empty.

Renovations to the classes, consolidations to the classrooms, upgrades in the foundation and a fresh coat of paint; the largest addition though was the permanent, masterfully crafted training grounds that the Hokage wanted to add, the reports from my day training the students in a mock battle and hide and seek match having reached the end of the Councils decisions and gaining the approval of all the various members, so that the students could get some better, higher quality practice in at the Academy.

"Iruka, respectfully, I'm not only a teacher, but also a mother of two with a third on the way. Yes, I am heading straight home and resting. If this was three years ago, I might go get drinks with everyone then spend some time at the club or something with Anko, Kurenai and Cameia, but... now, I just want my soft couch, a warm cup of tea, and the quiet of my house."

His frown faded, replaced with a wry smile as he nodded, the Chunin muttering "That... yeah, that makes sense. With how busy you are here, it's kinda hard to remember that you have such a large family back at home too."

I just chuckled as I pat the mans shoulder, saying "I do my best to keep the two separate. But Iruka, go have fun, This is a rare opportunity for you, y'know? The slowest season for Shinobi, a weeknight, everyone's looking for ways to ward off the chills? I bet the clubs, restaurants and teashops are teeming with some people looking for some company. Maybe you'll find someone that catches your eye~?"

Seeing his cheeks darken at the idea of meeting a girl tonight, I smirked and lightly pushed him towards the door, adding "The same goes for you, Iruka. You do wonders for our students, but remember that there are things in your life outside of the Academy. Maybe you'll find someone, maybe you won't, but you need to start looking. Being passive won't just result in someone falling in your lap~!"

The man blushed harder, that long scar running over his nose remaining as pale as ever though and only making it more obvious at how embarrassed he was, which made me realize just how adorable this man was.

If I swung that way, and was single, I might've gone after him, and I'm certain there were a few Chunin or Jonin who preferred someone as cute as him; there were definitely Chunin and Genin that would.

As long as his tastes are as broad and varied with women as they were with ramen, he shouldn't have an issue at all getting a date, but...

"Go, have some fun~! There's a life for you outside of teaching all the time, you know?"

He nodded, and I watched with a small chuckle as the man scurried away, both from embarrassment and from the need to hurry as our coworkers called out to him, beckoning for him to join them for drinks.

Kurenai appeared beside me, wrapping her arm around my waist like it was the most normal thing to do as she said "Giving him a pep talk?"

Leaning into her arms, I looked over at my wife's gentle expression and said "Something like that. Come on, let's get home. I bet Akari, Riku and Tomoe are dying to figure out what this is... It didn't snow much last year, after all, and when it did it melted before it settled~!"

She smiled as well, nodding as she looked out at the white flakes that lazily drifted down to the ground, adding to the thin blanket of snow that had covered Konoha.

Making our way home languidly, we enjoyed the slight nip in the air as the snow continued to fall, the sky a pale grey as the puffy clouds above shed their excess fluff and dusted the lands below, reminding us that it was indeed winter.

Along the way, Kurenai picked up a bag of coffee beans and a bag of cocoa beans, and I bought some chocolate glazed bread for us all to share tonight, the two of us smiling at one another as we imagined the faces of the three children upon getting a taste of hot cocoa and chocolate.

Just a taste though...

When we returned home, we were greeted with the awestruck faces of the three children as they looked outside, their eyes sparkling as they almost pressed their faces against the glass, only to turn and hurry over to Kurenai and I as we stepped foot inside the house.

Anko was chuckling as she watched them closely, our Snake Charmer wearing a warm expression that had become far more common on her face in recent years, and it was easy to figure out why...

Akari and Riku were the focus of her brown eyes, her two daughters reaching up for their respective Mothers as they pleaded with us to go outside, whilst Tomoe stood between her older sisters, looking between Kurenai and I as she nodded in agreement with them.

Just seeing their smiles as we picked them up and went straight back into the cold made it worth coming almost straight home, and we walked around the compound and showed them their first real snow shower.