Chapter Six


We walked to where Jackson lived. It was next to the forest of Hallsenberg, but on the road side. I remember this is where the mortals used to live. How is he living with the mortals?

"You really live with humans?" I ask. Jackson nods and smiles at me. Again.

"They never doubt us. Because we look just like them."

It must be easy for them, just like the vampires. But I am exceptional.

Once we reached his house, Jackson pulled his door open, letting me walk inside his room. It was cozy and dark. Everything was black inside.

"Nice." That's all I could say.

He pulled open a few drawers and pulled out some shirts and turtle neck t-shirts.

"What are you doing?" I ask. He was still busy searching the drawers and wardrobe.

"I'm looking for a good disguise. So humans don't get scared seeing you."

Rude. But I'll ignore that for now.

After almost ten minutes, he grabbed a black turtle neck t-shirt and a brown coat. Smiling at me, he said,

"Let's get you changed."

I walked behind the curtains and changed myself into Jackson's clothes. They smelled fresh and new.

His smile just brightened seeing me walk out from the curtain. This is the first time I'm seeing someone so happy to see me wearing new clothes. He nodded with satisfaction.

"You look like a different person. But we need to do the final touches!" He said.

"So we are not done yet?" I'm getting tired. I don't know why.

"Oh of course no. Here, put this on!" He said, passing me a tiny box. "These are lenses to hide your eye color."

Don't mortals have blue eyes? Why do I need to- never mind. I'll just do what he says.

It's itchy. My eyes were watering non stop after putting on the lenses.

Jackson passed me some tissues.

"It will get better after a while. Both you and the lenses will get used to each other."

I sat on his bed while he worked on my hair. Jackson and I had the same medium long hair. Only that his were blond while mine was black.

Another fifteen minutes, and my hairs were done. He used some gel and combed them well. It didn't move at all. Only two strokes dangled on the right side of my forehead.

"You look outstanding! It feels like I'm looking at a whole different person!" He was happier than me. I still didn't get to see myself.

"Final touch!" He said, and picked a pink lip tint from his drawer. And once he applied it to my lips, he covered his mouth with surprise.

"Reno, you look like a kpop artist! Your asian looks blended so well with the disguise that I can't STOP LOOKING AT YOU! Holy sh***! You need to check for yourself!"

What's a kpop artist?

It's funny how I just met Jackson like an hour ago and we befriended each other so well.

I turned to the mirror on my back and looked at myself. I wasn't sure if that was me or another man looking at me from the mirror.

My hairs were well combed, the pink lip tint hid my blue lips, my eyes were brown, the coat and turtleneck t-shirt, everything looked-

"Spelendid!" I say. Even my smile looked different with this whole new look.

What would Ethel say if he saw me like this? What will anyone say? Will they even believe that I'm a Nadarian?

"You see Reno, this world isn't a safe place for immortals like us. So it's best if you keep using a disguise like this. I am free to lend you all my clothes. I'll help you. But don't go out there looking like your usual self."

"Jackson, I just don't know how to thank you man! If I didn't meet you then-"

"It's alright Reno! Like I said, I owe you for saving Kat. Just make sure not to attract girls. I mean, any girl would fall for you at this rate. I'm scared my girlfriend might too!" He laughed.

"I don't know about that. But don't worry. My heart will always linger for one person. And she is all I want." I cringed at my own words.

"Alright. Off you go now. Before it gets darker."

He was right. It was past sunset already. But how do I find the hospital? I've never visited it before!

"Jackson, would you mind joining me? We could go together. I don't really know where the hospital is. You could hel-"

"Fine. Fine! We will take my car."

He sounded like Ethel right now. Annoyed and happy at the same time.

"Kat must be really precious to you!"

"Katherine. Just call her Katherine, Jackson. Katherine Lockwood."

He paused and turned to me.

"Did you just say 'Lockwood'?"

Why is he surprised all of a sudden?

"Uh yes? Why?"

He bit his lower lips.

"If I'm not wrong, then I guess she is the daughter of the newly appointed mayor of Hallsenberg."

Ok, what new twist is this?

"What? Mayor!? Of Hallsenberg?"

"Yea, that's right. Authur Lockwood. He is the new mayor of Hallsenberg. And I guess Katherine is his daughter."

Oh wow. Another plot twist.

"She could just be another Lockwood. Who knows?"

He didn't answer.

We walked out to Jackson's car. An old man greeted me on my way.

"Dad, this is Reno. He is my friend." Jackson introduced me to the old man. His grey eyebrows shot up, trying to see my face.

"Are you sure ZATSS NOWT A CELEBRITY, SON?" It felt hard for him to speak.

Jackson laughed hearing his father.

"He sure looks like one, dad."

Embarrassed. Seeing the two stare like that made me uncomfortable.

"Alright. Off you go ZON. I will TAKEH a NAPH."

Jackson and I drove off after talking to his father. For some reason, he kept smiling the entire time while driving.

"Are you okay? Why are you smiling so much?"

"I don't know. I feel so proud of myself seeing how I changed you to an entire new person! Reno, I came up with that whole disguise! I can't believe it!"

He was excited about that?

"So now what? You're gonna booste about yourself? I agree you did an excellent job in transforming me to this fine gentleman."

He laughed.

Why am I missing Ethel all of a sudden? Seeing Jackson and his laugh reminded me of my old days. Ethel was so different back then. He was a man full of laughter and joy. But now, all he cared about was revenge and his people.

I guess the throne made him like that.

Or Victoria.

Either way, Ethel has changed.

We parked the car outside the hospital. Jackson grabbed his keys and I followed him as we walked inside.

I've never been to a hospital before. Never. But I must say, this place smells like some sort of acid. I remember getting the same scent in the academy. Victoria would use some liquid to clean the blood off the floors after executing- never mind.

There were people in white coats everywhere.

And for some reason, everyone kept staring at me. Jackson passed me a Bennie and a mask.

"Put these on. I almost forgot that you can attract every female nurse here."

Am I their type? Their ideal type of boy? What will happen if they find out that I'm a Nadarian?

"Jackson, I think the disguise is too much. Maybe we should have done something simple?"

"Oh dear, Reno. Everything you're wearing is simple! And besides, can't you see I'm wearing the same outfit too? But no one's staring at me. It's not the disguise, Reno. It's you. You are a really handsome dude!"

I'm flustered.

I spotted Tyler standing next to the main entrance. He was holding something to his ears and whispering.

"That's Kat's brother." I say. "What is he doing by holding his ears?"

"Are you serious? He is talking on the phone!" Jackson knitted his eyebrows. "You don't know what a phone is, do you?"

"No." I replied.

I truly don't.

He walked to Tyler leaving me behind.

"Excuse me? Can I have a little chat with you?" I must say, Jackson was just another Ethel. Believe me or not, he does remind me of Ethel alot. I've said that already.

"Sure. What can I do for you?" Tyler looked behind Jackson and caught a glimpse of me. His eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"We came to visit your sister, Katherine. Can you tell us what room-"

"I'm sorry, but do I know you? Or does my sister know you? And who is that man behind you? Why is he wearing a mask?"

Oh I forgot. He couldn't see my face.

"It's me." I say, pulling the mask off my face. Tyler raised an eyebrow and walked closer.

"You who? Do I know you?"

Wait what?

I blink twice.

"I must say, you look like a celebrity. Are you a member of any famous kpop group? I mean, my sister loves kpop and she is a huge fan of NCT and BTS. If you are here to visit her as your fan then I suggest-"

"I am not a celebrity, Tyler!" My ears would bleed listening to him talk so much. I had to break in. "It's me, Reno!"

It took him five seconds to digest my words. His eyes grew wide in surprise.

"Re- RENO? The Man who saved my sister? Y- you- you are a CELEBRITY?"

Somebody please hit me. I'm done explaining to him.

Jackson pulled me aside and talked to Tyler. He made up another story and told Tyler that I was his cousin who just came to Hallsenberg a few days ago. Honestly, I don't mind being called Jackson's cousin. But someone really has to explain to me what a KPOP is and what a KPOP GROUP is.

Tyler finally understood Jackson's part of the story.

"Damn man! You look so different from when I met you. I mean, we met only an hour ago and you look like an entirely different person now. Back then you looked all blue and constipated."

I could hear Jackson chuckling behind me.

Tyler took us to Kat's room. But I didn't expect so many visitors would be waiting outside to check on her. There were people standing outside her room, holding bouquets of flowers and gifts.

"Why are there so many people?" Asked Jackson.

"Everyone heard about what happened to her and they decided to visit. They were just curious to know how the newly appointed mayor's daughter got attacked by a bear."

So Jackson was right. Her father is the new mayor.

I stood outside the cabin and watched her through the transparent door. While everyone tried talking to her she sat silently, staring at nowhere. No words came out of her mouth. A completely dejected look.

My last words to Catty flashed in my head. This was the exact same look she had back then, thirty three years ago, when I asked her to leave.

That was the last time I saw her.

But that was Catty, and this is Kat. They are two different people.

But does that still give me the right to visit her? Pretending like back then all that never happened?

Victoria said if they were born, they will still have the same soul in them. But seeing Kat, I don't really think she knows anything about her past.

I don't want to use that as an advantage and get close to her. Bringing her closer to me might only awaken her past memories. I need to stay away from her. This look in her face is because of what happened with her in the forest.

I might bring more danger to her life. If seeing me brings back her past memories, it will only hurt her.

What was I thinking? Why did I come all the way to meet Kat? She is not Catty!

"I don't think I should be here." I say. Jackson pulled me aside and began interrogating.

"What? What are you saying?"

"I can't meet her, Jackson. I don't want her to be in trouble because of me." Jackson shook his head in disbelief.

"Look, I don't know what happened between the two of you, but if this was the case why did you not think earlier? Why did you- nevermind."

I know he is annoyed. He did everything to help me today.

I just don't understand why and what made me so eager to see Kat? Why did I not think about all the consequences before??

Tyler pulled open the door and waited for us to get in.

"I'll wait in the car." I say, before walking away. Jackson kept calling behind but I didn't feel like responding. This is for the greater good. I should and must stay away from her.
