
Chapter 1




   Anjoh wakes up to the feeling of the cold floor against his back. As he blinks repeatedly he can see a bunch of girls staring down at him. 

   "Are you okay?! I'm so sorry!" Says the first girl.

   "Oh look, you dropped him!" Said the second girl.

   "Oh shut up! I just pushed a little too hard!" Replied the first girl.

   "OMG he's so dreamy even on the floor-"

   "Shut up, you're all annoying me even more…"Said Anjoh as he got up. He leaned against his desk and passed his left hand through the back of his head, his chair was still on the floor. The light penetrated through the windows of the classroom, giving it a bright atmosphere. He looked around and then looked back at the girls who were all staring at him with quiet concern.

   "Why did you even wake me up in the first place?" He asked them. They all blushed the moment he looked at them, one of them answered him…

   "Oh-well…Class is over." She said, he kept silent for a bit and then replied…

   "Well if class is over what are you idiots still doing here?"

    Even with his straightforward attitude, girls still found it very easy to fall for him. He had a fade with black curly hair in the middle, his eyes were a fiery red color that swallowed anyone who stared into them. He was the richest, the best looking, the highest achieving boy in school and he knew it. Everyone else knew it, not even the school principal could lay a hand on him for fear of losing his job. There was not a single girl who walked the school without recalling the thrill of his 'rod'. It's one of the reasons they followed him around most of the time. The upright ones looking to be the girl who changes him, as well as the girls who just wanted to have him warm them up, all flooded over to him. However, to him they were all just dumb pets he could play with and order around anytime. 

   "Ummm, we thought maybe you'd be lonely if you were to walk home all by yourself." Said the first girl. 

   Anjoh looked at them… 'ahhh, the perfect opportunity for entertainment.' he thought to himself. 

   "Well I appreciate the kindness, but there's no way I'm gonna walk home with the whole lot of you idiots. So I'm going to give you guys five minutes to decide." He said.


   "You heard him! Back off bitch!"

   "Noway you're going with him you ugly mop!"

   The girls began to shove each other and argue when Anjoh started thinking… 'Hmmm, now that I think of it, if this escalates into a fight there's no way I'm having some bloody idiot walk me home.' He decided to slip out and they never noticed him do so. About ten minutes later he had already made his way to the traffic lights. He stood by the sidewalk and regretted not calling his butler to come and get him. He lifted his head and stared at the traffic lights impatiently for a while, then suddenly, he heard someone call his name from behind. When he turns his head he finds an unpleasant surprise running towards him. It was one of the girls he left fighting in the classroom, she clearly took a beating judging from her swollen face and thick bloody nose. The blood stained her shirt and she ended up looking like some kind of mutant.

    "Wait up!"

    She could barely even say the words coming out of her mouth correctly. Anjoh panicked and started to run, however, it slipped his mind that he was waiting for the traffic lights to turn red for passing vehicles. By the time he realised it, he turned his head only to greet a truck coming at full speed. In that moment, time froze, and he entered a realm where  only he and the truck existed. All he could think  to himself as he watched the vehicle ….

   'I wish I had called my butler to come and get me….'

     Unfortunately it was too late. The truck suddenly hit him and everything went dark. What followed after was an experience he never had before, it was as if time existed but he couldn't perceive whether days, months or even centuries had passed. He didn't know whether his eyes were open or not. His body felt lighter than air, and yet he couldn't make out whether he had a body or not.

   'Is this what they call limbo?' He thought. 

    He then noticed something as he blinked. Each time he blinked he could see a light in the distance getting brighter. He began to repeatedly blink, the light getting brighter, getting closer. Finally he blinked one more time and he awoke. When he did it was as if it was from a nightmare. He was sweating heavily and his breath rate soared. He started to control his breath and calm down…

   "Whew! It was just a bad dream…a very vivid one at that… oh well." He shrugged it off and sat up on his bed. When he finally paid more attention, he noticed that his room looked way different from the last time he saw it. It looked like the room of somr Roman emperor.

   "Weird…who's idea was this?...someone's getting fired today." He said to himself. When he got off the bed he felt 'off' about his perspective of the world around him. Almost everything seemed bigger than he was and it made him completely puzzled…


   He noticed the little feet he stood on, then he noticed his hands too, 'What!?' He thought to himself.  He then saw double doors far to his right and he could hear the sound of water running outside. He hurriedly walked towards the doors, his heart racing once again, he couldn't even make sense of the thoughts in his head. 

  "I'm warning you, you better stop this!" He shouted as he opened the doors. What he saw was beautiful, but it didn't do anything to calm him down. It was a beautiful flower garden with a water fountain in the middle of it all. There was a mat near the fountain and a low table with different colours of ink on it. He looked around as he walked towards the fountain, the beauty of the place finally sunk in when he walked through. He could smell the scent of the lilac flowers, there were two cherry blossom trees at each end of the garden which brought out the beautiful colour scheme. He was stopped by the feeling of something bumping against his chest. When he turned his head to see it…he saw a kid instead. A kid about 10 years old or so, he had the hair of a colourful flame, the familiar deep red eyes. He's face was young and the face this child was making entailed his immense bewilderment. This child was actually his reflection in the water. He stared into it for so long that it almost felt like his reflection was staring back, he suddenly started to feel a dread coming up from his chest and up to his throat, and he released it in full…

   "AHHHHHH!!!!!" He screamed while his legs lost their energy as he tried to move away from the horror he just witnessed. He ended up collapsing on the grass. Suddenly he could hear foot steps in the distance, getting louder and louder until finally he heard the doors inside his room bust open. He quickly looked to see who was coming and he saw muscular men all dressed the same running straight for him…

   "Master! What's happeni-" 

   "Get away from me!" He cut off the men who just appeared. 

   "We're just trying to help!"

   "No! Leave me! This must be another nightmare!" He shouted. He then heard a woman's voice behind them…

   "Alsi! Alsi!" She yelled as she pushed the guards aside.

   'Alsi!? Who the heck is Alsi- ' he's mind stopped once he saw the beautiful woman who had just appeared in front of him. 

   "What is it dear? Did someone attack you?" When she spoke those words, his terror subsided and he couldn't say a word. Her skin was as fair and bright as a full moon. Her eyes were purple in colour and she had beautiful straight black hair.

   "Search the whole palace, twice over! If someone's here he must not escape!" She ordered the guards as she buried him in her chest with a hug. 

   "Don't worry Alsi, you'll be fine." She assured him.

   'Damnnn… this chick has bigger jugs than Angelina Jolie and Kim Kardashian during a gym session'

   "Let's go son, you must eat first, then you can wash up." Said his mother as she stood up and led him by the hand.

   'Alright- wait….SON!?' He looked up at the woman distraughtly…


   In about twenty minutes he was seated by the huge table in a big room surrounded by maids and butlers, they stood at a distance like statues. He sat alone at the table, waiting for the food to arrive. His mother seemed to have disappeared. 

   'Damnit! Such a nice woman…and she just had to be my mom…Am I dreaming? Maybe this is some kind of trick? What was I doing before I fell asleep?'

   He looked around the room and it was quiet similar to his, except his room was white and had dark and sky blue curtains. This one was also blue but it took on more of an ocean theme, the floors were made of a glossy looking material, might be marble.

    'Hmmm, I've never had one so vivid. It's basically like my life but millenia ago-'

    "Big brother!"


    He jumped up, frightened. He looked to figure out the source of this disturbance and saw a boy with orange hair looking at him with bright eyes.

    "Hahaha! You were so scared Alsi!" His younger brother laughed at him. He looked at him with an irritated expression…

    'What's with these goblins showing up one after the other!? And why do they keep calling me Alsi? My name is….' His eyes suddenly widened as his younger brother kept frolicking around him…

    'Wait…I remember now, someone yelled my na- ' Out of nowhere, he noticed everything around him get darker, his vision went pitch black. His body began to go through a familiar sensation, it became lighter and warmer.

    "Huh!? What's happening!? What's going on!" Noone answered Alsi, nothing but the sound of his voice echoing through dark space. He once again lost his perception of time, he looked around and spoke a final conclusion to himself.

     " This feels too different from sleep to be a dream…meaning I did die when that truck hit me.Limbo huh?, not bad really."


      He floated endlessly in the dark infinity for what felt like a thousand moments and a thousand millennia at the same time. Thinking to himself whatever came to his mind. Suddenly he noticed a purple glow from his left, he wondered what was going happening now. He looked in its direction and it kept emerging, becoming brighter, until he realized  that it wasn't a light but it was a person. He narrowed his eyes to confirm, and he found that it was a little girl. She had purple eyes that glowed and she wore a purple kimono. She had long flowing purple hair too. Everything abouf her was just…well purple. When she came close enough she halted and examined Alsi, who felt quite naked. 


"Have you no shame, staring at a butt naked dude floating around limbo? Who aretou anyway?" Said Alsi.

    She looked him in the eyes for a few minutes, then face-palmed herself.

    "Agh…they're gonna love this one." She said sarcastically. 

    "What is it? Are you already falling in love? cuz you've been taking your time eyeballing me everywhere. 

     "Shut up will ya, I'm in too much of a crisis here