
Chapter 3

Alsi and the cloaked fighter were locked in eye contact. He wondered why this man was staring at him in such a manner. He could hear people in the crowd saying to each other…

   "I can't believe he beat Gole!"

   "He's not from around here did you know that?" 

   "Really, where's he from?"

   When Alsi blinks, the cloaked man disappears. Alsi looks around, however he cannot see him anywhere.

   (Who was that guy? I have to find him.) 

   "Hey! Goat face! Find that guy in a cloak!" 

   "I do not know who you're talking about master…"

   "What do you mean 'you don't know who I'm talking about'!? We just saw him kick butt a minute ago!" 

   "Stop being silly big brother,there was no such person here." Said Aod.

   "What!?" It's then that Alsi noticed something. Everyone who watched the fight, suddenly dispersed as if nothing happened. Even the guy who just had his ass handed to him woke up and looked confused.

    (What the heck is going on!?) He thought to himself with a baffled expression. 

    "Now that I think of it…why are we here in the first place?" Aod asked his older brother. 

    " Hey, are you able to shoot fire out of your hands?" Alsi asked one of the guards. 

    "Well-yes master. Kine control is very important to every soldier out there. without it, we'd be at a huge disadvantage in battle." 

    "Kine control? What's that?" He asked.

    "It's the control of the natural energy life possesses." He said . 

    " Wait, so even I can use Kine control?"

    " Yeah, anyone can use it as long as they possess Kine energy. " he said. Alsi then became excited…

    (Powers eh? That might explain what just happened...Now I'm definitely going to rule the world!) 

    One of the guards, then noticed something….

    "Where is master Aod?" He said whilst looking around worriedly. 

    "Forget about him, I'm sure he's gonna pop up soon." Immediately he finished those words, the guards disappeared to go find Aod. Alsi could not believe it.

    " The freaking nerves of those guys, or maybe they're just dumbasses." He said.

    He decided to check out the stores for anything interesting. Now the streets were filled with people, it seemed no different from the streets of Tokyo. There were numerous stores everywhere, Alsi turned left and entered a magic store. When he came in he found the place looking deserted. There was no one at the counter and there didn't seem to be customers around. 

    "Hello?" He called out. And yet no one answered.

    "The customer care here sucks." He said. He begins to look at the magic items on the shelves to his right. He sees orbs with some coloured foggy mists within them. He can also see wands, staffs, enchanted weapons and various grimoires. When he passes his hand on the surface of one of the grimoires an old man startles him from behind…

    "Ahhhh!!" Alsi grabs his chest.

    "Hello young lad." He says.

    "You scared the crap out of me!"

    " Well if you've had an accident then I have just the thing to make it disappear -"

    "That's not what I mean you sack of bones!"

    "Sorry, my bad…is there anything I can help you with?" Asked the old man. Alsi looked around the place and there were a lot of items that caught his eye…

    "What have you got?" He asked. 

    "We have every kind of item that can aid you in your battles, help with your cleaning, ward off evil creatures or just play with them for fun.'

    'For example, this fine blade enchanted with spirit fire that can annihilate a 100 men!" 

    Alsi observed the blade…

    "Nah I'm not feeling it, I don't even know how to use swords…"

    "Then how about this staff that can multiply your kine output ten times?"

    "I've never been into the whole wizard vibe…"

    "This portable toilet can come in handy when you have a running tummy!"

    " I don't think I have a shit to give about a suit case I can poop in…" Said Alsi. The old man continued to advertise various items that ranged from battle armour to household cleaner. Alsi rejected them all.

    "Isn't there anything else you have apart from the trash you've been showing me this whole time?"

    The old man stroked his long beard for a minute…

    "Ahah! I have just the thing!"The old man went behind his counter and started looking through items. He then popped out a beautiful chest, Alsi's interest peaked. The old man then slowly opened the chest in front of Alsi and within it was a necklace with a shiny silver chain and a purple crystal that appears somewhat glow-ish.

    "This necklace was discovered in the emperor's sky dungeon. It is said that only those with a unique kine energy can wear it. The adventurers who retrieved it tried,but they all died one by one." He said.

    Alsi did not dismiss the possibility that he was being scammed, however, the necklace enticed him. Something about it was appealing.

   " Alright… how much is it going for?" Alsi asked.

   "A 5000 gees." Replied the old man. Alsi took out the medium-sized bag of coins he brought along with him and threw it on the counts without can counting.

    "Here! Give me the necklace!" He demanded. The old man excitedly pushed the chest into Alsi's reach and snatched the bag of coins. Alsi took the necklace and excluded the chest, he slowly slipped it on. When he did, he felt mesmerized, its like he could feel his energy create an ambience around him. He walked out of the store with a satisfied grin on his face. He took the crystal in his hand and admired its faint glow, then he tucked it under his shirt. 

   " Don't go back to the palace…" 

   "What?" Alsi said as he looked around. I could have sworn I heard someone. He takes another look around but all he sees is the busy markets and passerbys. He begins to feel insecure.

   "I think I'm being followed, I better find my guards…the bastards! How dare they leave me alone like this!" He begins to walk quickly. He keeps looking around but he sees nothing but the buildings, stores and markets. The feeling of someone closing in behind him began to shift up his spine. He walks faster and faster until he abruptly breaks into a sprint.

    " Guards! Guards!" He yells as he runs through the streets, shoving his way through the busy river of people. When he stops to catch his breath he finds himself at the water fountain in the middle of town.

   (I'm lost) He concluded. He began to search with a worried expression on his face. 

    (Ahhh shit! What If I get kidnapped right now! Where the heck are these idiots!

    " Big brother!" Alsi looks in the direction of that voice, he sees Aod with the guards discounting their horses behind him.

    "Master! We've been looking everywhere for you! " said one of the guards.

    " You idiots!,I don't know who came up with the smart idea of hiring you pieces of trash! But one thing I'm sure of is that I'm gonna make sure my dad fires the worthless shit outta you!" Alsi yells at his guards. The guards took glances at eachother and then bowed down.

    "Please we're very sorry Master! My wife is terribly sick and I need the money to pay for her treatment. I swear we will try harder to not disappoint you!" One of the guards pleaded.

    "I don't give a rat's ass about your sick wife! When we get to the palace I'm gonna make sure you don't set a foot in the palace again! Speaking of which, let's get outta here!" Alsi yells at the guard. Aod looks at his older brother in suprise. Alsi walks towards the horses with a grumpy expression.

   "Get moving you idiots! These horses won't ride themselves!" 

   "Alsi, why are you suddenly being so mean?!" The moment Aod tugged on his shirt Alsi felt an extremely uneasy feeling. He froze and turned his head slightly, he could see the guards behind Aod, they seemed to be discussing something, he then shifted his gaze toward Aod who had a timid look on his face as usual.

    (Don't go back to the palace) he flashed back to that voice he heard near the magic store. Cold sweat started to flow down his forehead and his breathing intensified. Suddenly he grabbed his younger brother and made a run for it. He didnt know where he was running to but he knew he just had to get away. The guards started yelling behind them. 

    "Alsi! What's going on?!" His younger brother said almost breathlessly trying to match his pace. Alsi turned his head to Aod. He suddenly felt like he had to protect him. Why? Why was he running? Why did he grab his brother when he could have just saved himself? What was he saving them from in the first place? All the questions in his head were answered in a moment.


    Alsi suddenly heard an explosion, he looked behind him and he saw the palace in the distance, going up in flames. He could see lights flashing from the place. Suddenly everyone was thrown into panic when a scream was heard. Everyone started running in all directions, shoving anyone in any direction. Soldiers in silver armour started to attack the people, slaughtering anyone who stood in the way. Alsi and his brother couldn't match up to the force of the crowds and they ended up on the ground. He lifted his head only to see one of the armoured soldiers staring down at him.

   "Haha! Looks like we found a good catch! It's prince Alsi and his brother prince Aod!" He yelled to his comrades in the distance. Alsi was conflicted, he stood up with his brother who was terrified, holding on tightly to his untucked shirt.

    "We'll be there in a second!" Said one of the soldiers, assaulting a young woman's virginity. 

    (What the heck am I gonna do now!?) Alsi glanced at his younger brother, who seemed to be pleading on him for a solution. He stared back at the soldier who had a devilish smile across his face.

   (Dang it! Aod must be scared as hell, the poor kid…I know what I'm going to do)

     Alsi suddenly grabs his younger brother and throws him at the soldier in front of them. The soldier loses his balance, and Alsi uses the chance to escape.

    "BIG BROTHER!!!!" Poor Aod screams in terror with tears running down his eyes and snot down his nose, Alsi takes a final look at his younger brother…

    (Sorry bro… it's either you or me.) He thought to himself as he disappeared, feeling almost terrible for what he just did. He keeps running down the streets In any direction away from the palace.

    "Crap! I don't even know the way outta here!" He says to himself. He looks up towards the pillars that guarded the city, they were all being bombarded. He takes a left and finds himself in an alley. He kneels down and takes some time to catch his breath and then starts to plot.

    (Ok, there are soldiers in the main streets as far as I can tell. So the inner roads are most likely the safest way out of here. But how am I going to get through the boarders?) He covers his mouth with his hands…

    ( Dang it! I don't even know this place very well. The palace is at the centre of the city though…so maybe as long as I head in the opposite direction I can find a way out) He stands up and  proceeds to turn right, however he bumps into someone and falls on his butt.

   "Ouch!" He says as he looks up. He then sees the guard he yelled at staring down at him with a deathly glare. Alsi knows instantly that he as found himself in the worst case scenario. He begins to shake uncontrollably with fear in his eyes. The guard then pulls a diabolical smile.

    "Hello Master…."