
Chapter 9


      "You guys disgust me. Archer farts all night and it pushes me to the brink of death all the time." Alsi responded to Luck. 

      "No he does not!" Luck defended Archer, who didn't seem to care.

      "Yes he does. You don't know just how many of my ancestors I've already met at the boarders of the afterlife."

      "Well guess what, you're about to be get a one way ticket-"

      "I'm not surprised Luck. We can be a real bunch of rowdy sleepers."Said Enegus.

      "I agree with Enegus, besides, if William doesn't want to spend the night with you guys then let him be. Let's go William, we've got a big day ahead of us." Said Tatiana whilst leaving the room. 

      "Maybe you're just jealous…" said Archer.

      " No! There's no way !" Luck responds.

      The voices started to blur as Tatiana and Alsi walked along the hallway. Alsi followed Tatiana until they arrived at double doors at the end of the hallway.

      'Double doors!? Huh! There's no way a peasant like her could…'

      By the time they went through the doors, Alsi saw two more doors, to his left and to his right. He could see signs that implied that only one gender could use a certain door. He saw water vapour rising from beneath them.

      "William, can you come over here abit?" Said Tatiana.

      Alsi had the feeling that something beautiful was awaiting him on the other side of one of those doors. When Alsi walked over to Tatiana, she proceeded to remove his cloak. When she started to unbutton his shirt Alsi jumped back…

      "What do you think you're doing Woman!?"

      A man walked into the room and proceeded to the door at the left. Alsi and Tatiana watched as he closed the door behind him.

      "Of course! How silly of me." She face palmed herself. She then picked up Alsi's cloak and walked to the door on the right. When Tatiana opened the door,Alsi was graced with a scenery not even his luxurious high class past life could offer him. This door didn't lead to a room, rather it lead to a beautiful place outside. He saw trees which let their purple colored petals fall gently and relax in the big pools of hot water. The moon could be seen in the sky and it looked even more beautiful than it did earlier in the night. But what really made this scenery even more beautiful, were the women Alsi saw every where his eyes turned. European types with blonde hair, Asian types with silky jet black hair that shined as the water caressed them. Other girls had red hair or blue or green hair. From thick and curvy to flat and petite. Alsi's eye took in the whole scene with heartfelt gratitude. There was a little house where the ladies went to dress up. Tatiana took Alsi there…

      'If I was capable of a full blown boner, I would have been kicked out of here in seconds.' He thought as they entered the house.Alsi could see other women undressing and he started to blush. Tatiana proceeded to unbutton Alsi's shirt and he again started to resist…

      "Stop it you unshameful whore!"

      "Whoa, it's like your vocabulary increases everyday. I'm just trying to get you ready for the bath. There's no way you're going to bed with all that dirt on you." Says Tatiana. Alsi observes himself and she was right. His white shirt was stained on multiple areas and his black trousers were dusty and ripped in some places. His black shoes were the colour of the soil. His face was also dirty and his colourful hair was faded by the dirt. 

      " Alright fine, but I'm not going to use the same pool as the other ladies out there!" He said.

      "Okay then, let's hurry up and get you out of those dirty clothes. " She said.

      Alsi stood there with an embarrassed expression while Tatiana took his clothes off. He wondered why he was so shy when he'd formerly let the woman serve his pleasure however she wanted as long as he felt good. Alsi stood butt naked, covering his crotch with both hands. Tatiana folded his clothes and put them on a bench, she removed two towels and put them on the same bench and then she started to undress. Alsi didn't even bother covering his eyes, he wanted to observe everything. Tatiana just noticed the eyes of this little person brushing her skin gently. She threw a towel over Alsi's head. 

      "Hey!? How dare you!"

      " It is rude to look at women while they change. Maybe it was a bad idea bringing you here…"

      "You brought a twelve year old boy to a woman's hot spring spot. I'm sure you thought about all of that before you made the decision. Don't worry though, it's the best bad decision you've ever made."

      "-chuckles- don't be silly William." She said as she wrapped her towel around her body. When they came out of the little house they managed to find a secluded pool far from everyone else and quiet as well. Alsi,who had his towel wrapped around his waist, wasted no time in getting into the water. He exhaled heavily as he sat down in the hot springs. Tatiana also got into the water and relaxed. They sat there in silence and just took some time to absorb the calm and peaceful atmosphere the place offered. Alsi started to look at Tatiana as she sat in the pool with her eyes closed. Her hair colour was a pale green and her skin was peach coloured. The faint moonlight glowed off of her skin. She seemed to be at peace, like she just escaped something. She suddenly opened her eyes and caught Alsi staring at her. Alsi just kept looking straight into her eyes making her shift her eyes quickly…

      "What is it?" She asked.

      " I was just wondering how you were able to afford an inn with a hot spring when you guys were clearly almost broke." He said.

      "Well we found a kind gentleman who was willing to give us the money to afford this inn and some other stuff."

      " Some guy just came out of nowhere and gave you money. ?"

      "Basically yes,you're right." Said Tatiana.

      " Do you know him or something?" He asked.

      " Well, no… I don't. But he didn't seem too suspicious or anything." 

      " …really?" He said.

      " Of course William. He is genuinely kind, I don't think ther are any strings attached." She said. 

       "-sigh- what a bunch of idiots." He murmured to himself.

      "What was that?" 

      "None of your business." He said as he submerged himself, only leaving half of his face from his nose exposed. Tatiana closed her eyes again. Alsi moved towards the edges of the hotspring and rested his head. The water vapour rose up peacefully, creating a calm environment. This made Alsi feel sleepy. 

      'hm…tired already?' he said to himself as his eyelids felt heavier, until they finally shut. The next morning Alsi woke up in a bed that was fairly comfortable but pathetic compared to the first bed he awoke in at the beginning of his new life. He stretched and yawned, then he looked around the room. He wondered where he was this time, his questions were answered when Tatiana walked through the door, wearing her usual Cape,white shirt and black skirt along with brown boots. She had some folded clothes on her hands. Alsi noticed the black cloak that was at the top of the clothes. He then just noticed that he was sleeping in his underwear, but not just that. He was in a pair of boxer shorts that he knew didn't belong to him. 

      "What the heck!" He exclaimed. He then looked over at Tatiana…

      "You! What have you done!"

      "It's nothing to worry about William, I made sure to wash it once I got it from the lost and found."

      "THE LOST AND-" Alsi went blank, and then collapsed back on the bed…

      "I have being violated. Could this world get any worse?" He said. 

      "Here are your clothes by the way." She put them on the bed and went outside. Alsi sat up and looked at the clothes. He for out of bed and picked up the cloak, he noticed that it was clean. And so were the rest of his clothes. He put on his clothes and took a look in the mirror. He saw a young boy with with colourful hair. His red eyes were as deep as always. The black and orange cloak matches his flame coloured hair and it also matched the white shirt and black trousers. 

      "You're handsome in every universe Alsi." He praised himself as he turned from the mirror and walked out the door. He made his way through the hallway, bypassed the room where the rest of the boys were sleeping and found himself at the reception/restaurant. He made sure to put on his hoodie before he went out his room so be didn't draw any unnecessary attention except for a few curious glances. He went straight outside and found himself and stood right there. He took in the fresh air and exhaled it. Today, he felt like exploring. He decided to turn left and mark the town.

      ' I know I really want to get out of here but it will be good for to update my mental map of this world. Who knows, perhaps the information might be useful.'

      He proceeded to wander around the town. It seemed to be very early in the morning because the sun looked like it just came out. He observed the buildings and infrastructure he saw from left to right. The town was lively, more active than Flora wa but not as active as Amaris.

' I think I'd like to know where everyone gets their weapons here…' he thought as he continued to wander. He but the first thing he saw was a temple. It seemed to occupy a large area of town, it was clear that this temple was one of the most important buildings in the town. It was painted white and it was fairly big, the temple was relatively smaller than the grounds surrounding them. It seemed to be schemed in white and gold. He decided to go and take a look. However, the moment he was about to land his foot on the temple grounds, in that second he felt like something was going to pull him out of himself. He felt dizzy and nauseous, suddenly something strange was happening. He didn't know what was happening but he could have sworn that he started to leave his body. In that very second he started to fight the force that was pulling him awah with all his might. It was like all the energy in his body left and he was paralyzed. But after trying with all his might suddenly fell backwards. He was breathing heavily and sweating excessively too. He immediately recalled the purple girl at the moment of his reincarnation.

      ' There's no other explanation for what just happened. That temple belongs to none other than Euth.'

      He slowed his breath and stood up. 

      "Oh well, I better stay away from here." He said as he walked away. He wandered the town, avoiding the soldiers who patrolled the busy streets. He managed to find the blacksmith's shop, the Magic stores and even just general stores. He wandered the markets and eventually, he stopped by the town's adventurer's guild. He realise that the guild wasn't a place of business like it would be in his past life. It was also a place for people to get together. He saw people inside, talking and laughing whilst having their meals and for the early drinkers, their beers. Other adventurers simply just walked in and came out with posters in their hands. H guessed that they were going out for their missions. However he observed all this from a distance. He decided to leave before people in the area started to get suspicious. On his way back he stopped at a water fountain. He looked on as its mist rose up from its streams. He then continued walking. By the time he arrived he found Archer at the entrance.

      'Oh crap! Busted!' he thought to himself.

      "Where in the world did you go?" He said.

      "Umm… I wanted to check out the weapons store. "

      ".... Didn't you think for a second that maybe you'd find yourself lost."Archer said.

      "Well I was curious…?" Said Alsi, hoping that Archer would not ask any more questions. Archer looked at him for a while then said…

      "Can't fight the urge to explore Huh? Don't worry, I've been there before. Just be a little bit more cautious next time alright?" Said Archer. Alsi responded with a nod. The rest of the group then suddenly came through the doors.

      " Alsi, where have you been?' asked Luck.

      "Oh he got lost on his way to the bathroom." Said Archer.

      'hmm, Archer does have his uses. But he appears to be too sharp." Thought Alsi. 

      "Oh, well then if that's sorted out then let's go!" Said Luck.

      "But the carriage hasn't arrived yet." Said Alsi. 

      "Oh, I talked to the driver this morning. I told him to wait for us later infront of the adventurer's guild." Said Tatiana.

      " The adventurer's guild!? What are we gonna do there?" Asked Alsi.

      " Well that's where we're going to have our breakfast. That and we have to make money and so we're going to look for a quest. As soon as we get you back home, we'll be going off on our journey." Said Tatiana.

      "Can't you get a quest, after you take me home?" He said.

      "It would be much better to take the quest in advance so we don't struggle with looking for quests on our level." Said Enegus.

      "We are wasting our precious time people let's go, let's hurry up!" Luck pulled Tatiana, therefore rushing everyone else. Alsi had a bad feeling about what was ahead. In about ten to fifteen minutes, they arrived at the adventurer's guild. There seemed to be more people there but it was almost exactly as Alsi left it. When the group proceeded towards the doors as the chatted, Alsi stopped. When Luck saw this he turned around knelt towards him.

      "What is it little man?" He said.

      'Dont you dare call me little!' 

      "I- I am scared." Alsi tried to sound as vulnerable as he could just so he could guilt him into turning around. Luck looked at him with a smile, he then suddenly lifted Alsi up and put him on his back. Alsi tried to resist but it was no use.

      "Come on kid, you'll love it! " Said Luck as he carried Alsi inside. Alsi was in panic mode. He tried to adjust his hoodie so that it doesn't slip off his head. The place was more life emitting than it seemed from the outside. The pianist played his morning tune away whilst people just sat down to have their breakfast. They reached the counter where the receptionist also served out drinks and food with the assistance of her waiters and waitresses.

      "Hello, how can I help you this fine morning." She said.

      "We would like some breakfast please. Oh and can you direct me to the notice board? We need a new quest." Said Tatiana.

      "Oh alrighty then. Just to verify, you lot are a party?"


      "Alright, there are two notice boards of which you can find at your left and at your right. The very ends of this cafeteria. As for your breakfast you can have a seat an we'll bring you a menu." Said the receptionist.

      "Thank you very much." Tatiana said. She turned to Luck who still had Alsi on his back.

      "I'm gonna go look for a quest, meanwhile you can go find a table." 

      "Alright." Said Luck. 

      'Crap! If she goes to the notice boards she's probably going to see my face ! Stop her and get out of here!' Alsi thought to himself.

      He forced himself off of Luck's back…

      "Hey! What are you doing!?" Alsi ignored Luck and tried to get to Tatiana who was surprisingly close to the notice boards already. Alsi could feel his heart through his chest.

      "TATIA-" He ended up tripping over someone's foot and he fell down. As he got back up he heard someone on one of the tables point him out…

      "Oh my goodness… it's the First Prince of Amaris!"

      Suddenly the whole guild went quiet and every head turned to face him. Alsi felt his legs freeze, he felt his chest burn with fear. Indeed, this was the worst case scenario.