
Chapter 13

      The surrounding is filled with freshness and a cool breeze moves through the grassy plains near the river. A tall man can be seen seated on a rock whilst watching three kids engaging in what seems to be a dance of some sort. 

      "Ouch!" Alsi said as he got knocked to the ground.  He was just about to complain when his opponent followed up his attack with a stamp which Alsi dodged in time. He rolled backwards and got back on his feet but just when he thought he got some ground he was suddenly assaulted by Serena who threw 3 jabs of which  Alsi dodged successfully. He noticed that he was much slower without his necklace but was still able to adapt to the speed of these attacks. He jumped back to get some distance.

      'ha! These fools think they can hit me?'

      Serena and Ceal suddenly stopped, they all became still.

      "What, you finally realized you can't handle me?" Said Alsi.

      "We're actually surprised you could keep up, we honestly thought we'd have to hold back." Said Serena.

     "Heh! Don't make me laugh! You idiots have no idea of what I can do."

     "Oh really?" Said Ceal. He and his sister exchanged glances and then looked back at Alsi, who stood confidently.

      Suddenly Serena made a move, it was almost as if everything happened in slow motion. Her pink border line white hair danced with the rest of her and it glistened as the sun shined behind it. Her purple eyes were fixed on Alsi's and she moved like lightning. Alsi tried to react to her attack but to no avail, he felt the force of an upper cut that sent him off of his feet, but just when he thought that was enough, she finished with a kick to his abdominal area. Alsi felt the pain and he coughed out saliva as he went tumbling to the ground.

      When he stopped he didn't even bother to get up. He just wallowed in his pain and shed tears of hopelessness.

      ' I can't believe it…I was beaten by a girl!? A freaking girl!? How could that happen!? If only I had that necklace that wouldn't have happened, I'm useless! What's the point if I can't beat a freaking girl!?"

      Ceal and Serena kept going at each other with vicious force. While that was happening, Agyro walked towards Alsi's pitiful person and knelt down as Alsi coiled himself up like an agitated millipede. 

      "Hmm, that must have hurt-"

      "What do you want!" Alsi cut Agyro short.

      "Hey now, no need to get worked up. It's just a sparring session."

      "What's the point of all this anyway!? Why is it that life just gets harder for me?" Said Alsi, a moment passed before Agyro spoke…

      "....it seems I forgot to completely fill you in on the details of my occupation.' Agyro lifted his head and watched Ceal and Serena spar,

     ' I'm sure you've met adventurers before. They usually take on dangerous quests. When they complete those quests, they get paid and report to a guild. Me, Ceal and Serena, we're like those adventurers, but instead we don't report to a guild, because we take on missions that even adventurers can't handle. People like us are called Ginknights. There are a bunch of us around but we aren't usually found in one place unless otherwise. We're also known to be great weapon makers."

      "And so what does that have to do with me? Who said I wanted to join your stupid club? Why did you even take me in? I would have been better on my own!" Alsi replied harshly. Agyro looked at him for a moment…

      "Get up…" he said.


      "I said GET UP!" Agyro spoke firmly. Alsi felt the hint of fire in his voice and he stood up, still grabbing his stomach firmly.

      "Look at you, to think you're a kid who survived a beating and a broken arm. How could you act so weak with that scar on your face!? I simply took you in because it was the right thing to do, otherwise if you want to be on your own, no one's stopping you. '

       'But I'm going to warn you, don't think just because Avon isn't some kingdom under siege it doesn't make it dangerous. There are monsters out there that have slaughtered people left and right, leaving behind rivers of blood. There are people out there who have enslaved kids like you to serve their every desire, and when they're done they just throw you away. You won't make it one day out there."

      " So if you think this is the hardest life you can get then you're in for a rude awakening."

      Alsi just looked down when he heard those words from Agyro. Agyro sensed Alsi's disappointment in himself. He grabbed Alsi's shoulder with his right hand and spoke more gently…

      "Alsi, I was just like you once. Of course I never enjoyed the luxuries of being raised in a palace. But I had a home that made me happy. But then one day my parents were slaughtered right in front of me and I had to run away. I was alone, tired and hungry for days. I thought I was probably gonna die until I was found by a GinKnight like myself. He took care of me and trained me. He taught me how to craft amazing weapons, and even though the training was hard, I appreciated his kindness."

       "When I saw you laying there in the forest, it brought back memories and I couldn't just leave you there. So I decided to take you in. When you grow up you're going to go up against life and all its force. If you want to survive then you have to be ready for anything." 

       Agyro finished speaking and Alsi still had his face towards the ground.

      ' Hate to say it, I hate it but he's right. If I'm going to take back my kingdom and rule this world I have to be prepared for it. I have to know it inside and out. I have to be able to face its strength.'

       Alsi then slapped Agyro's hand off of his shoulder and started to walk towards Ceal and Serena. Agyro smiled mildly when he saw this. Meanwhile Ceal was in the middle of an attack by his sister. He had just been forced into a submission lock by his sister's bearhug. For a girl her age she had alot of strength.

       " Hah! you're always winning in hand to hand combat but today marks the day of Serena's comeback! Hahahaha!" She laughed maniacally.

       "Agh! There's noway I'll give up!" Ceal resisted with all his might.

      "Oh yeah?, then I guess I'll just hug you until you pass out!" Said Serena. Ceal was already losing his breath. They struggled for a while when they heard a voice…


      Serena stopped her forceful hug and Ceal inhaled deeply.

      -breathes intensely- "I see you're back from your crying session…"

      "That's rude Ceal. I'm sorry I hit you so hard Alsi…"

      "That doesn't matter now, let's get going!" Said Alsi.

      Ceal took the opportunity to break free of Serena's grasp. He pushed his sister back and took a few steps away from her.

      "Hey!" Said Serena.

     "You snooze you lose." Ceal said mockingly. He looked at Alsi and gave him a taunting grin. 

      "Let's go. Show us what you've got Alsi…". He said. 

      Alsi immediately dug his feet into the ground and edged towards the two siblings. In about 3 minutes he was back on the ground.

      "Dang it!" He said as said as he sat up.

      "Ok that's enough combat training." Said Agyro. He approached his students and began to speak…

      "Serena, you've gotten better with speed and strength. That's good, keep it up and I might just get you a gift by the end of this week." He said.

      "Yay!" Serena celebrated. 

      "Hey! what about me?" Said Ceal.

      "Ceal, you have been too stagnant in you combat training. It seems you are focusing too much on kine training than on combat."

      "I have to surpass Serena, she's so good at using kine. I mean she can already use 2 forms perfectly and that's rare! If I don't train hard enough I will be stuck with nothing but sound kine." Ceal pouted as he spoke.

      " Ceal, everyone has their own special abilities. Your sound kine is special in itself. It's very rare, I'm sure if you learn to utilize its every advantage you can achieve great things. Just remember to balance your focus when it comes to kine and combat training as these two are very important to a GinKnight.'

     ' As for you Alsi…well, your kine control sucks. But it has great potential. As for your your combat skills, you can be good at dodging but once your opponents adapt to your movements it's the end for you. You need to practice hard from now on in order to improve in both fields. So for starters, I expect you to do a 100 push-ups!, a 100 sit-ups!, a 100 squats!, And a 5km run every morning when you wake up! And that goes for all of you!"

      They all whined when they heard this…

      "And that's not all. You all have to learn to gather materials and craft weapons and tools such as hammers, swords, spears and so on! You have to master the crafting techniques that have been past on from generations. It's because of these techniques that our weapons are always strong! You can have the best materials in this world but if you don't apply them properly, then your weapon will be useless! So you should learn to use these techniques to create tools and weapons you can be proud of. But the most important thing is that you craft with your souls!"

       Alsi noticed how Agyro's instructions always became heartfelt speeches. 

      "So I want you to follow the exercise routine I've given starting NOW, C'MON GO! GO! GO!" Agyro yelled at them. His students immediately dropped to the ground and started to do push-ups.

      ' it turns out taking over this world isn't going to be as easy as I thought. Heck, nothing's been easy from the very beginning! My kingdom was conquered just a week after I reincarnated. I met a bunch of adventurers who ended up betraying me. I got my ass whooped and I ended up half dead in the forest. But no more! No more! This world will not make a fool out of me anymore! I am going to work till I never get my ass beaten by some low life peasents! I will work till I never have to depend on a bunch of hobos to protect me! This day, I am fully reincarnated,  I WILL RULE THIS WORLD!!'

      Alsi collapsed on the grass, he was panting heavily and sweat flowed like an endless river. He barely managed to get to 10 push-ups. Agyro face palmed himself….

      "This is going to be a long ride…" he said to himself. 

       Meanwhile in a place far away, Marx walked through a town that brought back nostalgic memories. He admired the flowers being sold at the stands, the people seemed very calm and cheerful. He found it strange considering the fact that the capital was under siege a few weeks ago. As he walked the pavements he admired the church that stood tall in the distance, its blue and white colour scheme boasting itself amongst the rest of the infrastructure. He stopped in his tracks and turned his head left. In his view was a restaurant, one he could never forget. He went through the doors and was greeted by the sight of tables spread wide over the wooden floors. Waiters and waitresses hurriedly moving from left to right and then back. The drunken men shouting at the top of their voices, other customers just enjoyed their meals in calm conversation. Marx was surprised that the place was so lively this early in the morning.

       He looked ahead and saw a beautiful woman by the counter, wiping a glass with a content smile on her face. Marx walked towards the counter and sat on one of the chairs by the counter. The woman notices the strange character with black hair made into a ponytail and swiftly moves towards him.

      "Good morning sir, how can I help you?"

      "Lana, I'm surprised you have already forgotten me…" Marx lifted his head to reveal his silver eyes to the lady behind the counter. She gasped when she saw this man…

      "Marx Dex!?"