
Chapter 16: part 3


Bones and skulls went flying in all directions. Ceal was spinning his katana in his hand rapidly whilst kicking the other skeletons, trying to draw as much of their attention as he can. He slashed them quickly and mercilessly. Right up ahead of him, Alsi and Serena were still standing with their backs against eachother. Vigilantly scanning the area around them whilst fighting off a few skeletons.

Alsi narrowed his eyes as he focused whilst he cut a skeleton in pieces with his swords. The dark creature with purple eyes suddenly reappeared near a pillar north east of where Alsi was. He abruptly dashed towards the creature…

"Serena!" He alerted his teammate as he destroyed the skeletons in his path. Serena turned around and aimed her staff at the creature. She shot a gust of wind at it and it disappeared to avoid contact. Alsi climbed the pillar were it teleported to and he saw a feint red-glowing mark on it.

"Just as I thought." He said whilst he held on to the sword that he used to hook himself to the pillar. He slashed the part of the pillar where the mark was for the fear of demolishing the pillar. The creature appeared near another pillar and Serena shot another gust of wind at it. The creature disappeared again and Alsi proceeded to destroy the mark.

"What are you doing?!" Serena yelled as she kept shooting.

"Just watch and learn!" He said.

Alsi kept destroying the marks all around the place whilst Ceal tried his best to distract the skeletons. Serena continued to shoot gusts of wind. Finally the creature appeared at the back of the room near a wall. Ceal had slayed all the skeletons around the area. The hunter had been cornered, with nowhere for it to run. Alsi, Ceal and Serena walked triumphantly towards it as it levitated by the wall, their weapons out in the open.

Suddenly the skeletons started to reassemble themselves. Ceal turned his head in shock…

"Crap! I forgot about that!"

"Guys, I don't think it's done yet!" Said Serena as she got back into a fighting stance.

The creature's aura began to flow once more and this time in large amounts. The three dungeon raiders had tense expressions upon their faces, wondering what was going to happen next. Suddenly the creature began to spawn countless spark crawlers everywhere in front of it. Alsi and his comrades jumped backwards to get as far away as possible, but only to have the skeletons emerging from the other side. They thought they had the upper hand, but now they were the ones cornered like helpless sheep.

How were they going to get out of this well played checkmate?

"Dang it! I'm running out of the energy to deal with these bastards!" Ceal spoke as he panted heavily, drops of sweat started to run down his forehead.

"What are we gonna do now?" Asked Serena.


They all turned their heads to the creature that had just spread its aura across both sides of the wall it floated by. When it finished it started to rapidly teleport all over the marks it had established, to the point where after-images started to form.

"You son of a bitch!!" Alsi cursed the creature out loud.

"Alsi, Serena…you can only use water-based attacks from now on!"

"But I don't freaking know how to use water attacks!!"


One of the crawlers exploded when they made contact with Ceal's katana. Fortunately they all managed to evade it and they maneuvered themselves across the pillars to get to an empty isolated space. When they managed to get some distance Serena took a deep breath…

"Ceal! Do you think you can cover us?" She said.

Ceal paused for a bit, he finally spoke after a moment…

"Sure thing, but whatever it is you're about to do, you better make it quick!" He said as he returned his katana to its sheath. He spread his feet apart and his hands apart as he let his blue aura flow all around him. He dashed off into the mobs, blowing them away with the great force that emerged from his palms.

"Don't worry, this will be over in no time!' she looked over at Alsi…

'Alsi, I'll need your help!"

"Of course, there's no way you guys can accomplish anything without me."

"Take these daggers…"

"What the heck are you talking about? I don't see any daggers-" Alsi stopped talking when he saw Serena close her eyes and revealed some rocks that were laying around. As she had them in her hands they started to float off of them and circles of light manifested around the rocks and started to rotate. Sparks of lightning started to appear within the rotating circles and they merged with the rocks.

Their forms changed to resemble that of about 20 daggers. When she stopped the circles disappeared and she laid back as the daggers fell on her laps. She started to breathe heavily…

"These things take up a high amount of kine to make. You have to use them tactfully, I don't think I can make them anymore…"

Alsi took the daggers from her lap…

"I thought you knew how great I am…especially with small weapons. You really are a fool…" Alsi walked forward as he placed them in a lower section of his bag. He looked forward and gave a witness to Ceal as he fought vigorously against the mobs. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them he broke into a sprint and proceeded to use the pillars to get to his target.

"Wait I haven't-" Alsi was already gone. Serena just sighed and got back up when she noticed the monsters coming for her.

Ceal noticed Alsi as he jumped from pillar to pillar and knew immediately what he was aiming at. He started to break through the crowds of skeletons and spark crawlers. Making sure not a single blade touches Alsi. He jumped over the monsters and started to blow them away with the force from his palms as he followed Alsi closely behind. Alsi had not dismissed Ceal's clear signal that he had his back. He continued to utilize this as he made his way to the creature that kept teleporting rapidly.

The creature became wary of Alsi's impending presence and summoned about twenty more spark crawlers. Alsi did not worry much about the crawlers. Well, that was the case until the crawlers divided themselves all of a sudden. And when they did, their speeds increased drastically and they rushed towards Alsi.

"Crap!" Alsi knew things were going to get harder from here on out. Ceal was running low on power as he started to decelerate slowly whilst fighting off the constant explosions, arrows and swords that he was showered with at the mercy of the skeletons and spark crawlers. Alsi drew one of his short swords and started to evade the mini-crawlers that were coming after him as he cut them down, avoiding the small combustions they were causing.

"Hah! This is a piece of cake! These things aren't so-"

Alsi was met by a full crawler that just spawned in front of him. No time to get away, all he could do was cover himself with his hands to avoid damage.


Alsi went flying, his sword ricocheted off a pillar and was swallowed by the mobs of monsters. When Alsi landed, he got up only to find himself surrounded by skeletons and spark crawlers all around him.

Meanwhile Serena was using the last of her energy to defend herself from the groups of monsters that were attacking her. She saw the monsters closing in on Alsi from a distance…

"Ceal!!!" She yelled out to alert her brother. Ceal looked in the direction of the voice that called out for him. He saw his sister's horrified expression and switched his gaze to Alsi who was being ganged up on by the monsters. Ceal immediately tried to fight his way through to Alsi but as his energy got lower, the monsters became harder to fight off.

It seemed that this would be the end for them. They came all this way, only to die on their first mission. The utter disgrace, how would their father react when he heard about this? The spark crawlers were getting closer to Alsi and he started to feel the pressure pushing down on him. Everywhere he looked he only saw an obstacle, everywhere he looked he only saw complete chaos. He felt like he couldn't take it anymore…

"Crap! Crap! CRAAAAAAPPPP!!!!" He screamed out loud. With his cry, blue kine started to flow all around him. Out of nowhere a great deluge spirally burst out in all directions, spreading across the room and engulfing everything in its path. Ceal and Serena instinctively climbed the pillars to escape this raging body of water that indiscriminately annihilated every living thing on the ground. As the waves of water approached the back of the whole room, a flaming sword suddenly emerged out of the water and hit the centre of the wall where the creature was still teleporting rapidly.

When the sword dug itself into the mark on the wall, it exploded. Next, Alsi suddenly jumped out of the raging waves of water with a pissed expression on his face. He had enough it appears. He started drawing the daggers Serena made for him out of his pocket and began throwing them rapidly at the teleporting creature. The daggers flew so fast the creature could barely keep up with them. The daggers stuck to the marks on the wall and they all detonated uniformly.

The creature was once again cornered. Alsi took another dagger out of his bag as he took in a deep breath, his eyes fierce, his blood rushing. He threw the dagger with a mighty force. The dagger hit the creature that floated with nowhere to run to. When it screamed out in pain it sounded like multiple distorted voices crying out at once. As the water bashed against the walls it fell into the raging waves. But Alsi wasn't finished. He took the last dagger and spinned it around his hand to generate more force.

"TAKE THIS YOU UGLY SON OF A BITCH!!!" With all his might he threw the dagger straight at the creature as it submerged into the water. When it hit, the lightning flared up and spread through out the water, shocking the creature to kingdom come.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" A distorted cry resounded even through the water and around the room as the electricity danced allover the waves of water that were crashing against the walls of the room. This went on for what seemed to be several minutes. Alsi was about to fall into the electric sea he created, fortunately Ceal managed to grab him as he jumped across to another pillar which had enough of a depression to let them sit within the arc it created. All of Alsi's energy left him and he started to lose consciousness.

Ceal looked down at him…

"Rest easy bro, mission complete!" He said with a calm smirk and a thumbs up.

Alsi barely heard what Ceal said as he drifted into darkness. The calmness and bliss of rest overtook his body as he finally shut his eyes and faded away.